Chapter 14

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Sapphire and I spend a glorious day in each other's company, curling up together to read a book in the living room, walking in the garden although we don't dare venture outside the wall in broad daylight. Benny joins us after a while and we play a game of hide and seek amongst the shrubbery and trees. Benny always laughs delightedly when he finds us, or we find him and runs away making us chase him all around the garden. During one of these moments watching Sapphire catch Benny, those nights running in the forest definitely improving her speed and stamina. I find myself wondering how I could ever have considered killing this family.

In the month I've been here I've not seen any evidence of rebel meetings except for the slip Sapphire made several weeks ago, maybe, the Master was mistaken.

Then I'm proven wrong. Whilst we are playing hide and seek, we hear a knock at the door. Sapphire and Benny look in the direction of the house before going back to what they were doing before which was simply joking and laughing together as we allow Benny to get his breath back before resuming the game.

My curiosity is not so easily satiated so in a low voice I ask. 'Who was at the door do you think Saph?'

'One of Dad's friends I reckon.' Sapphire whispers back putting special emphasis on the 'friends.'

I cover Benny's ears as I mouth the word 'rebels?' at her. Sapphire nods her head and I go cold inside.

This family are in league with the rebels, this is the proof the Master wanted before I became a threat, a liability. Even now the Master could be watching the house and will move in and eliminate the family certainly including myself. I tell Sapphire that I'm going to the bathroom and slip inside. The door to the living room is closed and I can hear muffled voices coming from within. I lean closer attempting to hear through the door what they are saying.

All I can make out is, 'more deaths,' and 'action needed.'

My body going numb I head upstairs and flush the toilet, just in case anyone was listening. Before I can head back downstairs the door opens and the group that was in the living room walks out into the hall.

'Thank you for the report.' Malcolm says brightly.

I see the man standing with him and let out a small gasp, it's a Revealer, . I hadn't known that there were any rebel Revealers although, I suppose that was the point.

He leans close to Malcolm and whispers urgently. 'Just be careful Malcolm someone has been sent to kill you, protect your family.'

I remain in the shadows by the top of the stairs my heart hammering, is my cover blown? Malcolm just laughs and claps the Revealer on the shoulder. 'Thank you for your concern Lucas. We'll be ok.' Malcolm claps his hands together. 'Now, off with you before the Master notices you're not where you're supposed to be.'

They clasp each other's hand and lean in for a hug. They clap each other on the back twice then Lucas leaves the door closing behind him with a soft snick. As soon as he is gone Malcolm sighs and rubs his temples with his fingers, he seems aged and I wonder what pressure he is under being part of the rebellion. Malcolm walks back into the living room and closes that door behind him. I immediately stand up and make my way downstairs jumping lightly over the step that creaks. As I'm tiptoeing past the living room door it opens, and Malcolm stands there, his hair slightly dishevelled.

'How much of that did you hear Zi?' He questions cautiously.

I briefly consider lying but looking at his tired eyes and lined face I scrap that idea.

'Enough.' I say nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders.

'Of course.' Malcolm sighs under his breath, he steps aside and holds the living room door wider. 'Come in.'

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