Chapter 2

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The floor in the office is a red velvet material that feels plush against my bare feet reminding me that I was in such a hurry that I had no time to put on shoes. The walls are a dark mahogany and a golden chandelier hangs from the ceiling. At a desk near a large window there are red curtains, streaming the only source of light into the room, through which there is a view of Sector 1. There sits a man with a blonde almost white goatee and thick hair sat upon a face that is fat and round, at odds with his skinny form. He sits with the air of a man who knows he has ultimate power at his fingertips, which he does being the leader of all 5 Sectors.

We both know that he could click his fingers and the two Revealers lurking in the shadows would kill me before I take a breath. I wouldn't dare fight them off, the punishment for doing so would be much worse than death. The Master is one we all fear, he commands Group Z, oversaw all our training and... punished any transgressors. My body bears many scars from previous encounters. The most condemning being the one that runs in a curve from the corner of my left eyebrow to the corner of my mouth, I received it because I made a mistake when I was 9, on a hunt I was seen, they didn't see much as I had already mastered the art of blending into shadows and they disappeared within a day of my mistake but I still had to be punished. I can still remember the flash of the blade and the searing pain in my cheek. I wasn't allowed to treat the wound for over a week, he wanted it to scar to serve both as a reminder to myself and others not to cross him.

In my nervousness I fold my hands behind my back, my palms rough with callouses from weapon training and keep my eyes averted from his, my head submissively lowered, wriggling my toes in that thick carpet while he regards me in a cool, calculated manner over the steeple he has made with his fingers.

Finally, after what seems like hours, he finally lowers his hands and says in an elegant and high pitched voice with many pauses, as if he needs constant reassurance that he holds all power in the room and everyone is hanging onto his every word. 'I have a job for you Z-1.'

Rather than speaking which may get me punished I nod my head waiting for him to continue.

'How long have you been number one? 12 years is it?'

'Thirteen Master.' I respond in a quiet voice keeping my head down.

'Impressive.' He says dismissively with a cruel smirk before moving on in a brisk tone. 'As I said, I have a job for you. It's of utmost importance.'

'Another hunt?' I question, finally looking into his ice blue eyes threatening to swallow me whole.

'Yes.' He responds. 'In a way. This hunt requires a delicate touch and... precision.'

'What do you wish me to do?' I ask.

'I have heard... rumours.... Whispers of rebellion in some of the Sectors including Sector 2 and 3. They wish to rise against me. So, what I want you to do, my dear.' A chill goes down my spine at the cold way he says 'dear.' 'Is.' He continues. 'Infiltrate this group, discover what they know and then eradicate the threat.'

At this point he slides two images towards me across the desk. I pick them up. One is a . The opposite of the frosty nature of the Master's. The other image is a , a smile seems to light up his whole face and it shines full of love. I keep my face perfectly smooth but inside I'm wondering how this jovial man could possibly be trying to overthrow the Master.

'His name is Malcolm Douglas.' The Master says. 'He has a wife, a daughter who is about your age and two sons. One is four years old, the other is nineteen, named Damon. He's the one I want you to focus on.' At this point he appraises me again looking me over. 'You look good enough. Although it's a shame about the scar.'

As if he didn't give me it. I think snidely but again say nothing.

Giving his head a small shake, he adds. 'This hunt may well last for months. I want you to get close to this boy, romantically, and therefore his father. This should give you access to... useful information. I know that you spoke to the prey of your last hunt. So, this hunt is also a punishment. Get information, then you will kill them all, the family and any associates you discover.' He leans forward and punctuates each word with a thump from his fist on the table. 'Men. Women. Children. Kill. Them. All.'

I nod again wondering how he could possibly know about that, cursing myself for saying it but not daring to speak. My heart beginning to race, palms beginning to sweat. He knows I dislike killing children.

At some unseen signal a Revealer steps into the room and walks over to me. I have already braced myself for this, from the second that he said he knew about the hunt. The blow comes swiftly to my temple, not hard enough to knock me out but enough that I fall to the floor. The knuckles of the Revealers glove is sharp and pointed so when I stand, I feel blood oozing down from my temple and dripping from my chin

'You may choose a name.' He says casually not having looked up from where he began organising papers. 'I really don't care how you do it just get it done. You may have one day to prepare. Take only one weapon. Any more and they will get suspicious. A package saying where they live and how to find it will be left for you. You are dismissed.' He waves his hand at me, still not looking at me and I rise and briskly walk away from the big desk all whilst I can feel his stare on my back.

'Z-1.' He calls as I near the door. 'I am growing tired of your insolence. You are not irreplaceable. The next transgression will be your last. I'd hate for the time we put into you to be wasted. Do not disappoint me.'

I nod at him, open the door and slip out closing it behind me.

I make it halfway down the hallway before I have to stop and lean against the wall, shaking from my encounter. I allow myself ten seconds of weakness before I straighten and continue walking down the hall. One day to prepare I tell myself, never mind it will be the longest I've ever been away from The Hub. I can do this.

The most daunting task isn't infiltrating known rebels, gaining their trust and killing them all. That, I've been trained in.

No, the most difficult part will be giving myself a name. I've never had one before.

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