Chapter 6

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After a long sleepless night of tossing and turning, questioning everything I've ever been taught. I finally decide to get in the shower at 5:00 AM. I spend half an hour in there enjoying the warm water cascading down my back, the luxury of being allowed to spend so long in the shower. Wrapping a towel around myself I walk back into the room and am three steps in when I realise that there is someone in there. I'd forgotten to re-lock the door when I came back in last night.

I jump backwards, my hand going for daggers that aren't under the bandage that I removed to look at the wound, but safely under my mattress. Then I really look at her.

. I feel a strange yearning to raise my arm and brush her face, stare deeply into those eyes.

I realise my mouth is hanging open and hastily close it, mentally shaking my head, an action I seem to be doing rather a lot lately. She looks at me expectantly and I realise that she just spoke, but I didn't hear, I was too busy staring.

'Sorry what?' I ask, my cheeks flaming at the fact that I'd been distracted by her and the fact that I just realised that I am wearing a very short towel. I try to secretly hold it tighter to my body.

She smiles at me revealing white teeth with canines slightly longer than normal, and repeats herself. 'I said I'm Sapphire what's your name?' With this she holds out her hand for me to take.

I walk over and hesitantly take her hand, a tingling sensation races through my body at her smooth satin touch. 'Z-Zi.' I respond. 'Z-I.'

'Cool, I've never heard a name that unique before.' She says still smiling, as if she's just happy to be talking to someone, to me.

'Um.' I stupidly say, I clear my throat continuing. 'Sorry, yeah my parents were pretty unique.'

I'm trying to get back into the mentality of being on a mission, you're going to have to kill these people I remind myself, no matter how nice they are.

Sapphire jumps up. 'I'll leave you to get dressed, feel free to take any of my clothes.' She gestures with one hand to the built-in closet. 'Then we're going out, Mum wants some things and you get to see the town, if that's ok? And if you're feeling better?'

I nod mutely noting her eyes roving over my face, lingering on my scar although to her credit she doesn't say anything as she wheels out of the room leaving behind a beautiful smell somewhere between apples and lavender. I breathe deeply, instinctively. Then I turn and walk over to the closet, opening it, and my mouth drops open yet again.

The closet is filled with clothes hung in colour order, including blacks, pastel colours and other deeper, more vibrant colours. I decide to dress in a grey, loose, long sleeved button up shirt and loose, black trousers. I have to hide the scars and muscles from years of training present all over my body. I don't know how this... Sapphire missed them when I was in the towel. For good measure I also pull on a light grey jumper, as well as some black boots that stretch halfway up my leg, I get the daggers from under the bed and slip them into the top of the boots, high enough for easy access but not so they are noticeable.

To finish I decide to leave my hair down shaking my curls over my face to hide the scar. Feeling satisfied with my appearance I open the door to find Sapphire leaning against the frame just outside.

She looks me up and down before meeting my eyes. 'You look really nice.'

She breaks eye contact far too soon, I just want to look into her mismatched eyes forever. But she beckons me to follow her as she turns and begins walking through the hall, down the stairs.

Downstairs, the family sits in the living room. Benny is on his Sofia's knee, her chin rests on his head as they both look at the book Sofia is reading in a low calming voice. Damon and his father stand near the large windows overlooking the garden speaking in low tones. When they hear our approach, they all turn to look at us.

'Sapphy!' Cries Benny jumping off of Sofia's knee and running over to his sister, wrapping his arms around her legs in a hug.

'Benny!' Says Sapphire just as enthusiastically bending to pick him up then swinging him in a circle before returning him to the ground and ruffling his hair. 'How are you buddy?' She asks him with an indulgent smile.

'I'm good' he replies with a goofy smile on his face, it's clear that he worships his sister. However, he surprises me when he continues. 'I made friends with Zi, Sapphy.'

I feel blood rush to my face and my heart almost stops at the thought that he might reveal that I was in the study last night. But he doesn't, instead coming over and giving me the same hug as he did his sister. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I awkwardly pat his head.

Sapphire stares at me with a peculiar expression. 'That's really nice Benny.' She tells him after a second of silence. I avoid eye contact with everyone as Benny releases me and bounds back to his mother.

'Come on then, let's go.' Says Damon coming over from where he is standing with his father. 'I have been granted the privilege of escorting you two ravishing ladies around today.'

He continues in a mock posh voice giving a low bow and holding his hand out in front of him to Sapphire who, giggling takes it and sinks into a curtesy. Damon turns to me, repeating the action.

I look over Sapphire who gives me a wink and I let a smile spread across my face taking Damon's outstretched hand and say.

'Why thank you kind sir.' In a posh tone similar to his. I shoot a sidelong glance at Sapphire, I want to hear that laugh again and I'm not disappointed, she lets out a small giggle, a light blush colours my cheeks that I try to repress.

'Come on then.' Sapphire says, leading the way to the large front door.

'Be careful.' Malcolm calls after her.

'Keep each other safe.' Sofia adds.

For the first time it hits me that a parent shouldn't have to worry about the safety of their child if they step foot outside their home. From people like me. For the first time I wish for something different than the dangerous life the citizens of Nemara live. I want Sapphire and Benny to be safe, for their parents to be able to kiss them goodbye and not watch them go with fear in their eyes. I want them to be able to live.

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