Chapter 29

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I open my eyes to the same room I fell asleep in, it's quiet but for a faint whirring and I notice a presence in my arm. I look down to where I'm lying on top of the covers in white clothes that are spotlessly clean, and coming out of my arm is a needle leading to a bag that is dripping solution into my arm. Raising myself up onto my elbows I look to my leg.
The trousers are only three-quarter length, so I can see the bandage wrapped around my shin and calf. I resist the urge to lift it and instead peer around the room. Sapphire, true to her word has stayed with me and lies asleep curled up on the sofa lining one side of the room. She faces me with her hand tucked under her chin and as I watch she rolls over restlessly her arm raising over her head. She lets out a deep sigh and sinks further into the sofa.

The door quietly clicks open and Janice walks in.

'You're awake, how are you feeling?' She asks coming over to me taking hold of my wrist to feel my pulse.

'I'm ok.' I tell her.

'Not feeling queasy or in pain?' She asks me moving to peer into my eyes with a torch.

'No, none of that.' I answer.

'That's good, the medicine is doing its job. Right, you're going to need to stay in here for a few days to let the antibiotics do their work. You've stitched up quite nicely, so you'll have a scar but no lasting damage. I'll leave orders to not let anyone in to see you for the time being. And I'll have someone send up food for you both in a little while.' She adds looking over at Sapphire on the sofa.

'Thank you.' I say to her sincerely.

She nods and turns bustling back out of the room letting the door close with a gentle snick.

Sapphire opens her eyes on the couch and turns back round to face me a smile lighting up her face.

'You ok?' She asks looking me over.

'I'm fine.' I reassure her. 'How long has it been anyway?'

'About 5 hours. Fixing your leg took like two then you slept off the anaesthetic.' She says stretching her arms over her head.

Just then her stomach rumbles and she rubs it absentmindedly. 'Food is coming soon.' I tell her.

Almost as soon as I've said it the door opens and the boy with the dog comes in holding two trays of food. He's now wearing animal furs, although no mask. I frown at him, for some reason he irritates me, one glance at Sapphire's face lets me know she feels the same way.

'Hey there beautiful.' He says cheerfully winking at me. 'I realise I never introduced myself. The name's Adam.' He continues placing the trays of food on the small table in front of Sapphire.

I say nothing, just staring at him until he looks away.

'Ouch, frosty reception. I guess I'll just leave then.' He laughs, turning and walking out the door.

Before the door closes, I see him walk down the hall exchanging a brief word with a smartly dressed man standing just outside of the door guarding it. A frown forms on my face but then I'm distracted by the food now on the table. Two bowls sit side by side filled with soup that seems to contain vegetables and some form of meat like chicken. Several rolls of bread lie beside it. My mouth starts to water, it has been so long since we've eaten something other than berries except for the fish we ate a few days ago that my entire body yearns for the different flavours and textures.

'You know. I really don't like him.' Sapphire says picking up the tray and bringing it over to the bed on which I lie.

'Me neither.' I say sitting up and crossing my legs so that she can set the tray in the middle of the bed.

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