Chapter 15

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That night it's with great excitement that Sapphire and myself slip through the wall to meet Lizzie. Now that we know it's her out here there's no reason to fear leaving the Sector. I slip my daggers into my boots as a precaution even though I know I won't need them.

We go to the river where I'd dug Lizzie's tracker out only the day before. I carry a bag stuffed with food from tea, meat, cheese and even, luxuriously grapes.

We make it to the water's edge and Sapphire whispers to me. 'When will she get here.'

'She's been following us since we left your garden.' I laugh. 'Isn't that right Lizzie.'

She steps out from a tree behind us smiling slightly sheepishly. 'You've still got it Zi.'

'Hey, that's why I'm the best.' I joke winking at Lizzie.

'Pft. I always went easy on you.' She jokes back. Sapphire clears her throat pointedly.

'Oh right! Sapphire this is Lizzie, I've known her as long as I can remember, she's like my sister. Lizzie this is Sapphire. One of the best things to ever happen to me.' I say gesturing between them.

'Aww, really? You're so sweet.' Sapphire gushes smiling at me. Lizzie steps forward holding out her hand. Sapphire grasps it and they shake hands. 'Pleased to meet you Lizzie.'

'Nice to meet you too Sapphire.' Lizzie turns towards me and launches into business, old habits die hard, I guess. 'Any ideas yet on how we'll get into the Hub.'

'What, you're going into the Hub?!' Sapphire almost shouts.

'Shh.' I frantically whisper. 'Yes, we're going into the Hub. I told you, we need to get Group Z out before moving on to the next step.' Sapphire looks slightly mollified but remains stubbornly silent crossing her arms. 'I've joined the rebellion.' I say to Lizzie. 'Hopefully they'll be able to help us figure out a game plan. If the majority of the group join our side, we are a pretty formidable force.'

'They'll join you. Everyone respects you, you're not unnecessarily cruel and you put all your effort into every hunt and into protecting us.'

'Maybe we'll even manage to overthrow the Master completely!' We are so engrossed in our conversation that it takes Sapphire shaking my arm to get my attention.

'You still haven't told my Dad who you really are.' Sapphire reminds me.

'Ah right... I'll have to do that at some point.' I say reluctantly, I don't want to admit that I've been lying for the better part of the month.

'I'll support you.' Sapphire promises. I open my mouth to speak again when Lizzie frowns looking at the sky.

'What's up?' I ask her, feeling a sudden, horrible sense of foreboding.

'There's smoke over there... As if there's a fire.' She says pointing the way me and Sapphire came.

Even though I know what I'm about to see as I spin around, I'm desperately hoping it won't be what I think it is. Smoke rises in lazy spirals towards the night sky illuminated by a faint orange glow at its base.

'No.' I whisper to myself.

'What is it Zi?' Sapphire whispers frantically. 'Surely that's not... home.' She suddenly breaks into a dead sprint heading directly towards the glow.

'Saph!!' I shout running after her. 'Wait!!'

The joy we had from earlier is gone as I sense Lizzie besides me as we plough through the forest. My necklace pounds out a rhythm on my chest that matches my footsteps as I try frantically trying to catch up to Sapphire, if she gets hurt, if anyone gets hurt... It would be all my fault as I can guess who set the fire.

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