Chapter 8

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The same man as before walks towards us along with his gang, an extra body amongst them, 6 in total. Two for each of us. He swaggers as he comes, showing his confidence of the situation, not even considering the idea that I could quite literally kill all of his men before he even has time to blink, without even taking into account the daggers strapped to my legs.

He continues moving towards us, stretching his arms wide. 'I told you to watch your back, and now there's no one around.'

I step forward and he leans into my face, I force myself to remain neutral and not move back conscious of Sapphire behind me. I don't know what we've done to this man to deserve his hatred towards us but if there's one thing I know it's that rotten has its way of creeping into every inch of the world, infesting even that which may once have been good and pure.

'So.' He taunts. 'You still feel confident? You're not being too loud anymore after all.' He smirks and looks to the men he's with and they smirk back at him.

I stare at him until his smirk fades and he stops looking so cocky.

'Who's quiet?' I ask him in a slow, deliberate voice. 'You're the one not speaking up.'

'You think you're so clever.' He snarls, spit flying into my face.

Damon puts a warning hand on my shoulder, but I shake him off, I've never backed away from a fight and don't move backwards but instead take a step forward, into his face.

My blood is pumping through my body, adrenaline coursing, straining for a fight, but logic wins out. I should hold back. I can't show myself in front of Damon and Sapphire. They can't see me like that. The way I am when I hunt. So, I loosen my fists and take a deep breath but remain ready to defend myself.

No one noticed my internal battle and tension is still thick in the air as the men group around us, leaving no exit. Suddenly, hands are on us, pulling us away from each other. The man holding me has his hands wrapped around my upper arms, but I could easily break his hold if I tried to. Damon and Sapphire are struggling against their captors, but I still don't act. I can't. The leader turns his attention to Damon. He lunges against his captors hold on him, two of them hold him back, one on each arm as he struggles to free himself.

The leader leans right into his face. 'You look just like old Malcolm, I can tell he's your father. You'll be like him in spirit then too.'

Damon spits on him but he just laughs and jumps backwards to avoid him. He then turns his attention to Sapphire, I struggle to remain still at this point seeing him move towards her a leer on his face. He watches her struggle with her captor, fighting with all her strength. He grabs her by the chin, forcing her to look right at him. He blinks rapidly when she meets his gaze, and to her credit she doesn't flinch or shy away. She meets his gaze head on.

'Hey, get a load of this.' He says. 'Her eyes are freaky.'

'Heterochromia.' She says not breaking eye contact. 'It's called heterochromia.'

I respect her courage as she remains staring at him, someone with no training, refusing to submit. To stare danger in the face. That is until his hand raises and he slaps her across the face.

'No!' cries Damon and he manages to free himself from the people holding him and he lunges towards the leader.

Still I do nothing. Even as he sticks out a leg sending Damon crashing to the ground. Even as he kicks him when he's down, even when Damon screams out in pain. Sapphire gives a sharp cry as well and the person holding her shoves her to the ground where she falls next to her brother. Finally, the person holding me throws me down next to them.

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