Chapter 12

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The Master extends his hand to me. I take it mechanically and shake. His hand is smooth and soft. Obviously, a man who has never worked a day in his life. An intense hatred for the Hub and everything it represents rips through me. The Master and his family, and those before them don't work, instead relying on the labour of the Sectors, the industrial works and agriculture.

The people of the Sectors barely see any of what they produce, instead the Hub takes everything and only the lucky chance of birth determines how good a person's life is.

For those born in Sector 1 they receive enough resources to live very comfortably. Everybody has a home and they have three meals a day. All the better to give them gruelling work in factories. Sector 2 receives a little less. Everybody has a much simpler single floor house. In Sector 3 the beginnings of poverty begin to emerge, most people have the basic accommodation, but some are left to fend for themselves on the streets. Malcolm's house is a stand out in this Sector and it must be because of his high-profile job. From the pack on his family I know that he gets a lot of hate for that fact. For the life of me I can't understand why he doesn't request to move.

Sectors 4 and 5, or as the citizens of other Sectors affectionately call them, 'The forgotten Sectors.' Both see extreme levels of poverty. In Sector 5 there are no houses at all, beyond what people build themselves out of what scrap they can find. Everybody lives in filth and has little or no money. Crime is common and Revealers are scarcely sent in even if things get too out of hand. In other words, they intervene only if too many workers start dying. In Sector 4 there are some buildings provided, simple structures of stone for the inhabitants. The only other buildings are the factories that those who live there are forced to work in. These Sectors are mostly left alone. Nobody in any Sector receives an education beyond what they are taught by their parents. Having visited each Sector multiple times on hunts I have seen the full impact of the Master and I hate him for it.

I release the Master's hand and let my own swing down by my side. I resist the urge to grab Sapphire and run, away from the Master and his evil smile. At his intense gaze I can hear the blood rushing through my ears and my fingers begin to twitch. Adrenaline starting to build up.

'Ah! Zi, Sapphire this is Mr. Hubberton, from Sector 1. He is looking to begin to set up some factories in this area.' Malcolm says, then he lowers his voice. 'It will do a lot of good for the community, and will open up new job opportunities.'

'Zi. That's an unusual name.' The Master interjects. 'Your parents must have been very unusual.'

'They were.' I say through gritted teeth. 'Sir.' I add.

He is playing with me, the comment a clear dig at the name I chose for myself. 'So Zi have you been here a long time?' He asks casually. 'I only ask because it is clear that you are not these wonderful people's child.'

'They are kindly allowing me to live with them.' I spit.

'Ah well, just make sure you don't stay too long. You might overstay your welcome. Or usefulness.' He keeps his tone light but there is a thick tension in the room, the members of the family clearly feel it too and shuffle uneasily from foot to foot.

'I don't plan to, but I'll bear that in mind, sir.' We stare at each other for several seconds before Sofia clears her throat.

'So Mr. Hubberton.' she says. 'Would you care for a tour around our home?'

'That would be lovely thank you. I hope to see you soon everyone.' He replies, looking directly at me. Then he turns and follows after Sofia out of the room to the kitchen.

As soon as he is out of sight, I grab Sapphire and whisper frantically. 'Upstairs now!' She complies a little confusedly, as soon as we are in her room, I shut the door.

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