Chapter 30

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An hour and a half later everyone stands covered in sweat, some clutch at small injuries like a black eye or a bloody cut. The only people who haven't yet fought are Lizzie and myself. Lizzie looks at me with a grin on her face.

'Tradition doesn't die huh?' I joke taking off my jacket and rolling my shoulders and neck.

'Weapons?' I ask.

'Surprise me.' She says.

'No holding back?'


I hand my jacket to Zack who is standing closest to me and spare a glance at Sapphire. She sits on the edge of her seat, one hand gripping the chain link. Her gaze doesn't shift from me at all and as we lock eyes she mouths, be careful. I nod to her and turn my attention back to Lizzie. She stands across from me dancing from foot to foot a dagger held loosely in her right hand.

'Ready?' Hazel asks.

Lizzie and I nod looking at each other.

'Good. Now, three, two, one. Begin.'

Immediately Lizzie lunges running with all her speed straight towards me. Instead of moving to avoid her I open my arms and meet her, her momentum slamming us both to the floor. My head bounces sickeningly off the concrete but I latch on to her wrapping my legs around her middle. As we hit the floor, I twist my hips so that we turn to the side pushing me on top of her.

As I do, she brings her elbow up smashing it into my mouth. I feel my lip start to bleed and the force of the blow causes me to loosen my grip on her. She pushes me off her, but I roll backwards and stand up before she can get to me. She swings out a leg catching me in my stitched-up wound and I fall to the floor backwards catching myself with my elbows. I sense her motion and barely manage to drop my torso to the floor before the dagger in her hand swishes over my head so quickly that I feel some strands of my hair fall onto my face.

The momentum of her swing leaves her leaning over me, so I bring my feet up quickly, bending them at the knee and catching her under the armpit and do another backwards roll dragging her with me then when she's over my head I extend my legs sending her soaring through the air. As she falls her dagger is knocked out of her hand and I run for it but as I sprint past her, she reaches out and grabs my ankle making me fall banging my knee on the hard floor.

I find myself revelling in the pain, the adrenaline, things I've been kissing. This is what I live for, the thrill of the fight no matter how much I try to pretend that isn't the case.

I kick out behind me feeling her grip loosen and lunge myself forward managing to just grab the dagger with the tips of my fingers. I spin around just as she throws herself onto my legs and starts crawling up my body, her weight meaning I can't push her off. She crawls up me inch by inch and my hand holding the dagger draws her attention whilst my other hand hunts down my boots scrabbling inside them. Seeing the dagger in my hand she presses down on my arm with her knee finally straddling my chest. Despite not being able to breathe I laugh.

'Having fun?' She says

'The best.' I gasp out.

She leans forward to put her forearm on my throat, the winning move but confusion lights her eyes when I won't tap out. I flick my eyes to my left hand holding the dragon dagger pressed against her throat and she follows them gritting her teeth.

I hear feet move around us and Hazel announce. 'Lizzie, you would die first in this situation. The win is Zi's.'

She immediately jumps off me and my arm rejoices at the circulation going back through it. I lie there gasping, trying to get my breath back. She holds out her hand and I take it allowing her to pull me up. I wipe at the blood trickling from my mouth with my arm and hand her her dagger back.

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