Chapter 23

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We both stare at each other across a space that seems infinite.

Sapphire's voice breaks the silence. 'You're a carbon copy Zi.'

My mother blinks twice. 'Let them both go. Now.' She says, then she looks at me 'Zi? That's your name?' She asks, hesitantly taking a step towards me.

I stay silent unable to form words, feeling as though something is blocking my throat.

'It's the name she chose.' Sapphire answers for me coming to my side and helping me to stand, giving me the support I so desperately need right now.

I take her hand and stand up keeping a tight hold on her as my mother keeps coming towards me. She stops only a foot away and raises her hand to my face, she cups my cheek in her palm and brushes a stray hair off my forehead. She looks at my face scanning it as if she's trying to commit every detail to memory.

She looks past me to Sapphire and asks. 'Who are you then?'

'She's Sapphire,' I answer my throat unblocking. 'My... girlfriend?'

I look to Sapphire for confirmation, we've never discussed officially naming ourselves before. I feel as if she's much more than my girlfriend. She winks at me, giving me my answer.

'Good choice Zi.' My mother says my name falling uncomfortably from her mouth as if it were something foreign.

'I thought you were dead.' I say stepping away from her into Sapphire's arms which wrap around my waist her head resting on my shoulder. 'How are you here right now?!' I exclaim my voice raising in pitch, getting slightly louder. Sapphire presses herself against my back lessening my anger slightly but not getting rid of it completely. 'I saw you die. I... I killed you' I say more quietly.

'I know, I know. My case was... Different. I don't have a true explanation, I was thrown into Sector 5 to die but was rescued by a man, a kind man who was sympathetic with rebels. He had children, a girl your age and a boy. They helped me and then I left their home, I didn't want to put their children in danger, so I left and found my true people.' My mother says tears shining in her eyes.

She steps forward arms open but waits for my response Sapphire squeezes my hand and I step into my mother's embrace. It feels strange and unnatural at first, but I lean into her embrace and relax slightly. Her hand strokes my hair hesitantly then she pulls away.

She looks to my face at my scar and her face creases in anger. 'Did he do this to you?' She demands.

'Sure.' I shrug. 'Somebody saw me once.' Then I laugh. 'This isn't the only scar I have you know, this one is just the most visible. I take off the jacket I'm wearing and reveal my arms to her, they're flecked with scars, some big, some small. I lift up my top a bit and show her my stomach, this like my arms is criss-crossed with scars, I turn around and show her the same on my back. 'It's been 18 years.' I remind her.

'I'm sorry this happened to you.' my mother says, her face falling.

'I'm not.' I respond simply. 'It's made me stronger and I got to meet Saph.' I reach behind me and she steps up to me leaning in and giving me a peck on the cheek.

'Well that's good then I suppose. Anyway, come. I want to introduce you to everyone.' My mother says beckoning us to follow her as she walks away from us.

'Wait.' I call after her. 'I want my daggers back.' I keep my face hard as I say it, just because she says she's my mother doesn't mean I have to trust her right away.

'Of course.' She says walking back to us. 'Here.' She hands me the daggers which I take then immediately give one to Sapphire. My mother watches our exchange with hungry eyes then turns and walks away, this time Sapphire and I follow her.

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