Chapter 27

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Who knows how many hours later, we're strewn between the two pathways sleeping deeply. No one wanted to go any further and the lack of sunlight down here means that we can't tell whether it's day or night let alone what time it is. We'd caught another fish before we went to sleep, and the tunnel still holds the lingering scent of cooked fish thanks to the wood we had eventually decided to bring along with the berries. Again, the fish that was once brightly coloured turned grey as soon as it was out of the water. Once we'd all eaten our fill we lay down to sleep. Sapphire facing me, nestled into me holding the back of my neck in one hand. Lizzie and Damon as is now their custom, are curled up together, her nuzzling his neck and him kissing her hair. Benny lies safely between Sapphire and the wall.

All there is is the sound of our slow even breathing and the gentle lapping of water as fish swim past. I hover in a state of half awareness afraid to sleep fully in case I wander off again although I know Sapphire would never allow anything to happen to me.

The sound of a light thudding noise breaks through my haze and I'm on my feet before I've even become fully awake. Sapphire shoots up immediately, holding my chin and looking into my eyes.

When she sees that I'm awake she asks. 'What's wrong?'

'Shh.' I tell her holding a finger to my lips. 'Listen.'

We both fall silent holding our breaths. From the way we came from we hear distinct rhythmic thuds along with the smaller clatter of what sounds like claws. It could be footsteps. All that's for sure is that someone or something is in the tunnel with us. We both spring into action, I shake Lizzie and Damon awake whilst Sapphire persuades Benny to get up. I fill Lizzie and Damon in on what's happening, and Damon shoots up grabbing the remaining berries and flinging them over his shoulder. Behind me the light from a flame is growing brighter by the second and the footsteps become more frequent.

I run to Benny scooping him up and slinging him onto my back, I grab Sapphire's hand and shout too loudly. 'Run!'

'Wait!' I hear echoed through the tunnel from behind us.

We don't, we run.

Lizzie and Damon run in front one on each side of the path, Sapphire runs just behind them and I'm last Benny bouncing on my back. He clings on tightly burying his face in my back small whimpers escaping him. I want to reassure him but need to save my breath for running. Already my breath is coming in short quick pants, the panic at things happening so suddenly causing me to lose focus. I lose sight of the others ahead and run blindly the drawings on the walls a bright blur.

'Up here!' I hear Lizzie shout up ahead.

Benny and I round a curve in the tunnel and I run smack into a wall falling backwards. I look around frantically, blind in my panic and hear Lizzie above me repeating herself. 'Up here.'

I look up and see that Lizzie, Sapphire and Damon are high up the wall on a ledge. Lizzie's hand reaches down, and I take Benny from my back and hold him under the arms standing on tiptoe to reach him high enough. Lizzie can't quite reach him, so I step flush to the wall and place Benny, so he stands on my shoulders. The extra bit of height is enough for Lizzie to be able to grab him and haul him up. I glance behind me and can tell the person is about to round the corner. With horror I realise that what I thought were the clattering of claws on the floor is some type of animal. I hear its rasping breath and low growls coming from around the corner.

'Hurry Zi!' Sapphire screeches from above.

I back up a few steps and take a breath, I only have one shot at this. I run forwards and leap straining for Lizzie's hand. I make contact and grip with a death grip. Sapphire reaches her arm down and grabs my other hand. I'm being pulled up when I hear their gasps of horror and feel as if I'm being tugged from below. I look down and see a creature resembling a dog, big fang like teeth and four stocky legs. Its coat is the colour of rust with black flecks dotted through it. It is hanging onto my leg with its sharp teeth and it shakes its head from side to side even as it's suspended a foot off the ground.

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