Chapter 11

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I blink at her in shock. She's never said that to me before.

Looking into her earnest face I surprise myself with the conviction of my knowledge that, although I've only known her for a month, already I would do anything, be anything for her.

'I-I...' I stammer.

'It's ok if you don't feel the same way.' Sapphire mumbles looking down, a blush tinging her cheeks a delicate pink.

All of my nervousness fades away and I'm certain in what I'm doing as, my gaze softening I put a finger under her chin, forcing her to look at me and say with as much feeling as I can muster. 'I love you too Saph.'

A smile lights up her face, it's the most beautiful thing I could ever imagine. Surely there is no more beautiful thing in this world than that radiant smile. Over to the east the sun breaks over the horizon bathing us in a golden light. At this moment it is as if we are the only two people in the world, I wish it could stay this way forever but, as always, the sunrise tells us it is time to head back before we are missed. Sapphire goes ahead of me down the hill, as we descend, I notice a shadow moving between the trees.

'You go ahead.' I call to Sapphire wanting her to get to safety. 'I want to check something out.'

'Ok I'll see you at home Zi, don't take too long.' She runs back to me planting a light kiss on my lips before running off.

I feel naked without my daggers on me, unsure, but I attempt to mask that as I call out to our hidden observer. 'Come out, I know you're there.'

A small figure stumbles out of the trees in his pyjamas, his curly hair sticking up in all directions, 'Benny!' I cry in shock, running over to him. 'What are you doing here?'

'I heard you leaving last night, and I followed you but I got lost.' He says clinging to me, he feels very cold in nothing but his thin pyjamas, so I remove the jacket I'm wearing and place it around his bony shoulders.

'Come on.' I say taking his ice-cold hand in mine. 'I'll take you home ok?'

I'm so preoccupied with Benny that I don't notice another shadow detach from the trees, until I hear a twig snap. It's a ploy, a trick to strike fear, one I recognise.

I whirl around snarling. 'Back off.'

Benny's hand is tightly held in my own. Fear for him makes me brave and I know that I will keep him safe no matter what comes through those trees.

Our assailant doesn't appear, and I know that it is a message as subtle as it is obvious, the Master has sent somebody to see why I am taking so long. The message could not be clearer. Hurry up.

Hoisting Benny onto my hip I begin walking backwards through the trees, if I was on my own I would have stayed and confronted whoever is out there. Group Z or Revealer. But it isn't just my safety I have to worry about, it's also the small shivering boy in my arms and Sapphire who I hope is back within the relative safety of the wall by now. As soon as the clearing is blocked from my view I turn and run.

I get back to the wall in record time, I'm not trying to hide my speed as I usually do. I just want to get Benny back to safety as soon as possible. I'm so fast running back that I get there as Sapphire is clambering through the hole in the wall despite her having a big head-start. She stops halfway in the hole and looks startled to see Benny in my arms and opens her mouth to ask questions.

I shake my head at her. 'Not now.' I mouth.

I jerk my head indicating for her to go first through the hole. After she is safely through, I send Benny after her and after he's gone through, I scan the surrounding forest, I feel as if I'm being watched but I can't see anyone. Not that that means anything. I go through the hole backwards, not turning around until I'm through.

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