Date Night?; 20

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Haven't updated since before Christmas! Geez this is waaay overdue! Sorry guys, I hope you like it!

- Kate x

Date Night?: 20

*Louis' POV*

We were on episode 5 and even though it wasn't a scary movie, Kira was cuddled up close to me as it went on. I was playing with her hair and as I twirled a stand of it around my finger she jumped, letting out a high pitched shriek. Before I could respond there was a voice at the top of the stairs, "Lou, do you guys need a condom? Sounds like you're getting busy down there!" I could feel my face heat up and as I looked to Kira she was blushing as well. Movie forgotten I gently removed her from my lap and strode up the stairs.

I closed the door behind me, my eyes instantly focusing on Harry. "What the fuck Haz?!" I threw my hands in the air as I moved towards him, "What's your problem?!" I grabbed him by the shirt collar, yanking him down to my height.

He giggled a little, shoving a finger into my chest. "Better safe than sorry!" His drunken spirit almost brought a smile to my face but I managed to smother it.

"Where's Emily? I'm sure she wants to see you after the pleasuring you just gave her." His smile brightened as he shrugged, puckering his lips. I shook my head, placing my fingertips on my own lips before pressing them to his. He gave me the puppy dog eyes and this time I did smile a bit. "Emily is the one you need to go to for a proper snogging, Haz. She does it right and I've got a girl that I really like over."

He stuck his tongue out at me before turning and skipping off to his room, sending a, "Night Boo-Bear!" over his shoulder before disappearing through the door. I made my way back to the basement, stopping at the door as I heard a clatter on the other side. Chuckling, I opened the door, to find Kira scrambling to her feet at the bottom of the stairs.

Deciding not to question her about it I asked if she wanted a drink. "No thanks."

"Are you sure? I'm already up here." She nodded but I went back to the kitchen anyways.

I was debating between wine or soda when I heard soft footsteps behind me. "I said I didn't want anything."

I ignored her comment, "Do you like wine?"

"I guess so?"

"Red or white?"

"I don't care."

"Red it is then!" I flung open the door of the wine cooler and grabbed a bottle of red from the top shelf. Grabbing two wine glasses from the cabinet I ushered Kira down stairs. When we got down there I noticed the TV was off, and instead of turning the movie back on I decided to turn on the radio. She raised an eyebrow as I started to pour the wine.

"Your drink, m'lady." I bowed, holding out her glass and she laughed, taking it from me with a curtsy. We settled on the floor, legs crossed just talking.

Three glasses of wine later we were both laughing at something that had already slipped my mind, when I blurted out a question I'd been thinking about all night. "Who was that guy at the ice-cream place?"

The wine must've loosened her up a bit because she didn't hesitate with her answer at all. "Justin Lakeshift. We went to school together from day school on up. He's an ex."

"From how long ago?"

"I dumped him in like year nine. He was too busy snogging my best friend to pay me any attention." She snorted and I felt a flash of anger, what kind of guy cheats on a girl? Especially one this amazing.

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