Take It Down; 18

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Hey guys! Here's your Thanksgiving chapter! Hope everyone's was great!! :)

I managed to grab this chapter off of instagram, but there's only one more after this. So You'll get a chapter for Christmas, but then you'll have to wait until I write another one! I am sooooo sorry! I'll keep you updated and start writing sometime soon! I swear!!

- Kate x

Chapter 18; Take It Down

*Kira's POV; When... Well, you'll know when you start reading*

My face drained of all color as Justin looked me in the eyes and announced to Louis, "Your girlfriend is the princess." I looked at Louis, he wasn't moving. He seemed dazed. I buried my face in Louis' hoodie that I was wearing and took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. He smelled amazing.

As I readied myself to yell at Justin, Louis began talking. "What the heck are you talking about?" I slightly smiled. Maybe he didn't believe Justin.

"Your girlfriend here, Kira Smith? You thought her last name was really Smith?" His eyes were wide as he kept going. "No! She lied to you, because she didn't want you to know that she was royalty. She's a bloody royal, mate!"

Louis thought it over before getting an 'oh-crap' look on his face. I couldn't take it. "Justin!" He jumped, not expecting me to object. "Shut UP! You've been trying to ruin me since day school!" He didn't move. Neither did Louis.

I was starting to wonder if he was in shock and felt my eyes watering as I lightly yanked on his shirt. He looked down at me, straight into my eyes and I felt so exposed, like he could see right down to my soul. "Can we just leave?" Louis didn't say anything, he just stared. Then he sort of smiled and I pushed him, "Louis!" He snapped out of whatever he was doing and answered me with a 'what?!' I repeated myself, adding a please this time and he said sure, grabbing me by the waist and leading me outside.

I could feel him looking over my shoulder, probably at Justin, but I couldn't bring myself to look back. When the door clattered shut and I asked him where we were going, wiping a tear that had already fallen. He placed a hand on my shoulder and stared at me again. He looked at me for about five minutes, until I shuddered and he whispered, "Why are you crying?"

I shrugged, letting more tears fall. "I- Um. Louis. Justin. He just.. I don't. I just don't know."

"Well don't cry babe. No need to waste tears on something if you don't know what it is." I nodded and he used his free hand to wipe the rest of them from my cheeks. He finished by kissing me on the forehead, and I smiled as he took me by the hand. "We'll talk about what happened in there, later."

I nodded and he looked really awkward until he said, "So do you want to go back to my place for the night?"

My eyes widened. I mean, sure it was moving way to fast, but I really did need a place to stay for the night, considering that I can't just go back to my mom. She's probably still in a rage over me disappearing without telling anyone. And I doubt she would let me see Louis if I told her that I'd been hiding out with him. "Sure um, I don't really have another place to go."

"Okay well.. Harry and Em should be on their way home, from what Zayn told me, so we could ask them for a ride instead of walking back?"

"YES! Please! It's cold!" There was no way I was WALKING back to the house. It was freezing! Don't get me wrong, I'm not your usual prissy little princess, I was always the one kid that was hidden from the public, in an attempt to keep my life 'normal,' every royal family has one. The child not intended to take the throne. Ever. That was me.

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