Can You Pay?; 11

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  • Dedicated to Simon Cowell

Can You Pay?; 11

*Kate's POV; 30 minutes later*

   I was sitting on Niall's lap and he was playing with my hair when my phone rang. When I pulled it out the caller ID said 'Mirror Boy' I laughed as I noticed it was Liam's phone, not mine. "That would be Zayn." Niall's breath tickled my ear and I giggled.

   "Hey Zayn!" I shouted into the phone.

   "Kate, where are you guys? Harry, Emily and I can't find you anywhere!"

   "Well.. We're on the floor under the ground floor. If you get that. You know?"

   "So like, floor negative one?"

   "Yeah kind of." I held the phone away from my face and yelled, "LOUIS! Go upstairs and find the others!" He yelled an 'okay' and I went back to Zayn, "Louis is going to come find you."

   "Okay, we'll be waiting."

   "See if you can get him to tell you what's up with Liam, no one will tell me!"

   "I'll try." A dull buzz told me he'd disconnected.

   I noticed Niall was playing with his phone, "Whatcha doing?"

   "Trying to find you on twitter!"

   "You couldn't just ask me my username?"

   He blushed, "I was going to surprise you with a tweet."

   A voice from across the room announced, "Aren't you just so romantic?" I looked over to see Kira, had she been sitting across the room the whole time? Apparently.

   I stood up for him, "I think it's cute!" I laughed, "My twitter is @kpayne by the way." I blushed as Niall laughed and ran a hand through my hair. "You're messing up my hair!" I swatted his hand and he laughed harder.

   "You're beautiful anyways!"

   I opened my mouth to tell him he didn't look half bad himself when a nurse stepped into the room. It was the asian that had held me back earlier. We all looked at her as she checked her clipboard. "Payne?"

   I gulped, "That's me."

   "Follow me please." I shifted out of Niall's lap and stood up.

   He started to stand up with me but I shook my head and he sat back down. He mouthed, "I love you." and I smiled. But as soon as I turned away from him, my smile disappeared. This couldn't be good.

   I followed the nurse through a series of twists and turns that I don't remember in the slightest. As we came around one corner I could hear people talking, "You can't just leave. We have to go back and remove leftover pieces of bullet. And we can't just send you home with the amount of antibiotics you require. One mistake could kill you!"

   "Why is it this bad anyways? You know what, I DON'T CARE. If you won't send me home, at least let me see her."

   "You know I don't approve."

   "But I do. Find her. I have to tell her!"

   The nurse knocked on the door the voices were behind and looked at me, "Wait here." She opened the door just enough to slip in, closing it behind her. I heard her add to the conversation in rapid Chinese.

   I caught a few simple words such as 'girl,' 'here,' 'hurry.' but she was talking too fast for me to make sense of the rest. But apparently the man inside could, because he responded just as quick.

   After awhile I heard someone sigh. "Bǎ tā zài." My stomach dropped. I'd heard that before. It meant 'bring her in' I began to shake. The nurse stepped out and grabbed me by the shoulders, throwing me down into the room.

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