London Town; 12

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  • Dedicated to Snow Ball Fights :)

A/N: SORRY! This one is kind of short, forgive me :/

  - Kate :) x

London Town; 12

*Niall's POV*

   When we entered the elevator, I dropped her hand so I could put one on each of her shoulders. "So who is he? And why are we going? What's the big deal?" She stiffened and for a minute I though she would slap me, "Come on. You told me about the dream. You can tell me about this."

   She softened and I relaxed my grip on her shoulders, "Travis is a family friend." I let out a sigh of relief, family friends usually didn't develop sexual attractions to each other. But it all disappeared when she said, "Liam doesn't like him though." Liam was a nice guy, he was good at reading people too. If he didn't like someone, it wasn't just for nothing. "I need to talk to him about Liam's surgery, that's the main reason I had to go tonight."

   Okay, that was understandable, "So where does this guy live?"

   "London." London? They had a Nandos in London. I was cool with that.

   "Okay, you driving?"

   "I can't." She can't drive? Well. That was news to me. I must of been giving her a stupid look because she said, "I'm in a boot?"

   It's official, I'm an idiot. Duh she was in a boot. I could feel myself blushing as the elevator doors opened, "Then uh.. I'll drive."

   "Yeah you will." She grabbed my hand and practically skipped out of the elevator, pulling me behind her. As I followed her through the hospital lobby, I thought I saw Sophia. When I looked for her again she was gone. I pulled up my hood just incase.

   When we got outside, the cold air hit me in a rush and I gasped, there was a light layer of snow on everything. Once the hospital doors closed behind us, you could almost hear the stillness. It was calming. Kate dropped my hand to spin around in circles, sticking out her tongue to catch the falling snow in her mouth. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and grinned as she fell down giggling. It was the only sound in the night and it seemed to echo throughout the parking lot.

   She was laying on her back in the snow and she whispered, "Its so pretty." I figured she ment the snow. She laid there for awhile, and I started to think maybe she'd fallen asleep, but suddenly she began to move her arms and legs and I could see a snow angel forming. I laughed and when she finished I helped her up so she wouldn't ruin it.

   As she stood by my side and looked over her angel, I placed an arm around her waist and held her next to me. She leaned on me and I said, "It's beautiful." She softly muttered her agreement and I ran my free hand through her hair and used it to pull her closer. "You're beautiful." I tilted her chin up and smiled. She giggled as I leaned in to kiss her and when I did, it was just a quick peck but it felt like so much more than that. "Let's go." I took her hand in mine as we walked to the car.

*Kate's POV*

   He'd kissed me for maybe half a second, but it had felt like an eternity. We were walking to the car now, and all I could hear was the soft cruch of our feet in the snow. My breath was coming out in little white clouds.

   When we got to the car it was covered in snow. I scrapped some off the windshield with one hand, and laughed before I flung it at Niall's face. He jumped back, dropping my hand and looking completely startled. I laughed harder as he shook the snow out of his hair, "You're going down!" He scooped some snow of the ground and I ran around the car as he packed it into a ball. I was waiting for him to follow me around the car when I heard his laugh and looked up.

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