Get The Girl; 10

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  • Dedicated to Dreamers<3

Get the Girl ; 10

*Niall's POV*

   I sure hoped Kate would be okay. And Liam too... Kira drifted down the hallway, leaving me standing there alone. As she turned the corner Louis came running up the stairs with Zayn behind him, "Niall! Do you know where Kira is?! I haven't seen her since we saw her on the window ledge from the parking lot!"

   "Dude, Lou, you have no idea. Kate loves her, you wouldn't be able to get rid of her if you wanted! She CAUGHT Liam when Sophia pushed him out the window," Louis' eyes widened, "It was amazing. She held onto him for over ten minutes too!"

   "She's amazing Niall."

   "Ask her out man!"

   He laughed at me, "Then you gotta ask Kate!"

   I looked to the floor and blushed, "What if she rejects me?"

   "She won't. Trust me."

   "How do you know?!" I honestly thought there was NO way Kate would go for a guy like me. I mean, that kiss on top of the Effiel Tower was just in excitement. And every time we cuddled, she was always half asleep. Our hugs? They were amazing. Every chance I got, I was determined to hug her and hold her hand. Even if she thought it was just a friend thing, it made my heart race and I got all warm inside.

   And I couldn't bare to ruin it all by asking her to be my girlfriend. "Niall, she LIKES you. Go for her."

   I shook my head, "Of all the guys in the band, she would fall for me last. Just like every other teenage girl out there."

   I felt my eyes watering as Zayn interrupted. "NIALL. She's different. I wasn't there the first time she saw you, Harry was. But he told me that when she got in the car with you, she had this look in her eyes-"

   "It was love. Because when I told her she looked nice, she blushed, but she didn't have that same look in her eyes until you told me to back off and she laughed. It's you Niall. She loves you. She has from the start," Harry had came out of nowhere, his hand entwined with Emily's. I couldn't say anything, so I let him keep talking, "And when Louis here brought Kira back and introduced us all, Kira looked at all of us and smiled, but Kate couldn't take her eyes off of you. I'm betting she only left to see Liam because she thought you didn't like her the way she liked you. I'd bet my life on it."

   I was stunned. How could I not have noticed any of this? Were they making it up? I had no clue. "Maybe I will ask her."

   "Yeah! There you go, that's the spirit!" Louis slapped me on the back.

   "IF, you ask Kira first."

   "I already have a girl, so I'm out." Harry hurried off with Emily.

   "And.... I uh... I'm not available at the moment." Zayn took off and I could help but laugh.

   "So Lou, you get your girl, I try for mine?"

   "Deal." He stuck out his hand and I shook it.

   "Kira went that way." I nodded off in the direction she'd wondered in.

   Just then she came flying around the corner, "LOUIS! Niall! Come on!" She grabbed Louis' hand and kept running, and I followed close behind. She threw open an unmarked door and we all crammed inside.

   No sooner than I closed the door did I hear the rush of feet on the other side. And voices, 'Are you sure?' 'Of course I'm sure! I could indentify the Queen of Englad's daughter from a mile away! I'm her PROTECTER if you've forgotten.' What were they talking about? The Queen of England had a daughter? How come nobody ever told me?!

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