(5) Bleeding Paris

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne

*Kate's POV; a day later*

     The air around us was crisp and the grass was sparkling with dew. I was shaking as Franklin handed me my phone, it was already ringing. Franklin walked away as the person answered, "Kate where are you?! We've been looking everywhere for you! Not even the police have been helpful."

     "I'm... in Paris. I'm sitting under the Eiffel Tower now."

     "I'll come get you. I'm getting in the car now!"

     Franklin was pacing a ways away from me, and I thought he was out of earshot. I turned away from him, talking quickly "No, Liam. Call the cops or something! He took me to get to you and now he's-" A hand wrapped about my mouth as another took the phone.

    Franklin addressed Liam in a low tone, "No. No cops. Come alone. We'll be here all day. If you're lucky, maybe you'll get here in time to see her jump." He chuckled and hung up.

     "Hey!" I tried to get up but he simply shoved my back to the ground, stooping over to pick up my crutches.

     While he was leaning down, Franklin practically growled at me. "I wasn't kidding. If you start to piss me off, we're going up there and you're going off the top." A chill ran down my spine, he said it like it was no big deal. I had no idea how he was planning on getting us up there. By the end of the night he will have either pushed me off the top, or killed Liam. Either way looked like a loss for me. All this over a fucking poster too, I mean what the hell?

     The large strip of grass we were sitting in was surprisingly empty. It was shockingly cold though, and I had seen a few posters for an event at the Louvre that was probably garnering a lot of attention since it was inside. There was no one to call out to for help, but after seeing the way Franklin's eyes had looked when he admitted that he was capable of killing me, I didn't know if I had the guts to try anything rash. Not to mention I knew he was armed, and I didn't want anyone else to get hurt.

     Hours passed, all of them spent outside. Eventually, as the sun started to fall, Franklin yanked me to my feet and thrust my crutches into my hands. My legs were stiff from sitting all day, so I took a tentative step. "To the tower." He instructed me, his hand went to his waistband, checking his pistol. The surrounding area was still lifeless. I was a bit confused about his plan to get us up there, but he seemed confident in what was to happen next. 

     We approached one of the tower's legs, and Franklin fumbled with some keys on a keyring. I arched an eyebrow as he fitted one into the lock on the first door we approached. He ignored my look, quickly ushering me inside and shutting the door behind us. My eyes took a second to adjust to the dim lighting of the room we were in. Once they did, I let out a groan. "Are you kidding me?"

     He looked at me, before letting out a sigh of his own. "Goddamn it... Leave your crutches here." He took them, leaning them against the wall. "The stairs are pretty narrow. Can you reach both railings?" I held out my arms, my hands settling perfectly on the hand rails on either side of us. "Swing yourself up as much as you can." I left my head fall back in protest, earning myself a pinch in my neck that sparked a headache. 

     "How many stairs are in this thing anyways?" 

     "1665 to the top floor." 

     "I thought the public didn't have stair access to the top floor."

     "Good thing we're not member of the public at the moment." He anticipated my question, answering it before I could even open my mouth. "I used to be a tour guide here." That explained the key. I nodded, turning my focus to our journey up the steps. 

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