"Louis?" ; 22

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Ugh, late night update. School tommorow. Gross. Anyways, here's your update and stuff. I have posted the edited version of chapter 1 in case you didn't know, and will maybe post chapter 2 later this week (how delightful, right? you don't even care lol), so yeah.

This part of the note was prewritten: Chapter 22 here! I'm hoping Chapter 23 will come around shortly, and in the meantime I am editing the previous chapters! See Chapter 1 for more details! All edited chapters will look like so: 'Chapter Title; Chapter Number [edited]' okay? Personally I think that the edited chapters are a LOT better, even in the ones I just fixed a few little things in. I usually don't proofread much before posting, and so even newer chapters will be edited in time. Hopefully all editing will be done by Thanksgiving and the show will go on! 

Do any of you even read my author's notes? Probably not. Oh well. Chapter 22 everybody!

- Kate

*Niall's POV*

    The guys pulled away, and Kate started to herd me towards the part of town we'd left the car in. Now that we were out of the building, everything that had been so wrong about it was catching up to me, and I was fuming. My heart rate was sky high, and I was shaking from the left over adrenaline that I hadn't even known I was producing. I was fed up with the way Cameron greeted her, the way Travis stared at her while she was unconscious, the way she'd kissed Blake, the way she handled Zayn. I tried not to follow her and ended up yanking my arm away.

    "Niall are you um.. Are you okay?" I glared at her, trying desperately to control my breathing. "Niall you're shaking. Do you want to call a taxi or something? Do you need to sit down?"

    "I'm fine!" it came out like a bark and Kate quickly maneuvered me to sit on the curb.


    Evidently she couldn't sit still; she started pacing the street while I shook on the ground. I fumbled with my phone, barely managing to tap in Louis' number with my shaking fingers. I drummed my fingers on my leg, impatiently, as I waited for him to answer. His 'WHAT' practically caused me to drop my phone. I stuttered, "Louis?" His sigh was audible. "Louis, we need a ride."

    He yelled my name into the phone, "What'd you do this time?!"

    "We kind of lost the car." Kate stopped pacing, long enough to shoot me a glare, which I brushed off.

    "You lost your bloody CAR?"

    "It's Kate's fault!" She was next to me, suddenly, pushing me over before grabbing my phone.

    "It is not!" I snatched my phone back, not believing she really just did that.

    "I'll be there soon." I was left with a dull buzz. He'd hung up, apparently already knowing where we were.

    "You really can't drive, are you sure?"

    "I can drive, I just don't think I can walk there. I'm so.. tired." I laid back, sprawling out in the sparse grass by the edge of the road. "Can I just, take a nap?" As soon as I'd rolled over, I was out.

    "Niall, wake up!" A hand was shaking me, and when I managed to pry my eyes open, I recognized Kate hovering over me.


    "Louis is trying to ring you! You'd better answer." I rolled towards her, and she thrust my phone in my face.

    I tapped the 'accept' button, putting the phone to my ear and answering with a groggy, "Eh."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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