Princess?!; 17

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And here is your monthly update of PITA! Happy Halloween everybody! :)

But I have bad news. Someone stole my iPod back in September, and that's what I write on, so my last few updates have been ones I've had in my email, and I don't have the rest. So I will try and pull them off of Instagram for you, but even then it's only a couple chapters. So I might not be able to post for awhile. Sorry guys.

  - Kate :/

Chapter 17; Princess?!

*Harry’s POV; back when Niall and Kate left the hospital*

   I nodded as Niall announced that he was going with Kate to this guy’s place. Good choice. I felt Emily rubbing her face in my shirt and grinned. As Niall took Kate by the hand and led her to the

elevator, I directed Emily’s face out of my shirt, leveling it with mine. “I love you.”

   She grinned and kissed my cheek, “Love you too!”

   “Oh come here.” I kissed her on the lips, and just as she got into

it, I pulled away.

   “You tease!” I smirked as she repositioned herself in my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck before pressing her lips to mine. I put my hands on her waist and soon enough we were full on snogging.

   A sudden sound like a cow giving birth came from across the room, and looking out of the corner of my eye and noticed Zayn trying not to laugh. I ignored it, Emily hadn’t seemed to notice a thing. I heard the elevator ding as Louis left with Kira.

   Emily was trying to take off my shirt, and I let her. She pulled it off in one swift motion, breaking the kiss to take it over my head, but her lips found mine in a second. My hands were tangled in her hair

when a crash came from the doorway and someone screamed.

   Emily jumped back and fell out of my lap, onto the floor. I stared at her as she looked towards the nurse that had dropped her clipboard on the floor. “Did you need something?” God she was attractive. Even with her hair messed up, she was cute. The nurse mumbled an apology and skittered away.

   Someone burst out laughing behind us and we both turned around to find Zayn, almost in tears over the incident. “Oh shut up Zayn.” I rolled my eyes, “It’s not the first time.”

   “Here’s your shirt, dude.” He tossed me my shirt and I slipped it on. “At least that nurse didn’t flip out on you like the one did earlier.”

   Em sneered from her place on the floor, “That lady was a bitch! I mean come on, it’s not like she never did anything like that when she was our age!”

   I agreed, all the way. “Seriously! She was probably the biggest whore around, back in the day.”

   A soft voice came from around the corner, “Are they decent?”

   Zayn could barely contain his laughter as he managed to yell, “Yeah!”

   The nurse that had screamed and ran away a minute ago was back. “Um, even for critical care, visiting hours do have an end and they’re over in about fifteen minutes. Only one of you can stay here over night, and you’ll have to stay in the room with Mr. Payne.”

   We all looked at each other and Zayn’s phone beeped. He checked it

before volunteering, “I’ll stay here.”

   The nurse nodded, and faced me and Em, “I need you two to be on your way out soon. Can you do that?” I nodded and she left us alone.

   “Harry, you and Emily can go back to the house.” I grinned as I stood up to pull Em to her feet. “But please don’t do,” He made a weird face, “anything in my room.” I noticed Em rolling her eyes as

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