Hospitals. Eww.; 6

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  • Dedicated to Jan Uczkowski

*****Author's NOTE! The video to the left is hilarious! Key of Awesome is the best! And Jan. He's just flat out hot. If Niall wasn't Niall, I'd cast Jan as Niall ;)

ANYWAYS. It's a cool parody. No Hate.

- Kate

Hospitals. Ew. ; 6

*Kate's POV ; morning*

  I woke up in car, leaning on somebody. "Hmmm." I snuggled closer to them, I didn't care who it was. I heard a slight 'Aww' and a quiet chuckle.

  Somebody sang, "Kaaate, it's time to wake uuuuup." but I couldn't identify who. So I said no. "Kate come on. You need to get up." They gently shook me.

  "I will rip your face off. Don't fuck with me mister." Whoever I was snuggling put their arm around me as the rest car burst into laughter. "I'm serious! What the hell do you want?!" I cracked one eye open and saw that I was sitting in the back seat, Zayn and Louis were in the front. I looked up to find Niall and figured that the fourth one on my other side must be Harry. "You can't make me get up." I shut my eyes.

  "You wanna bet?" I recognized Harry's voice and felt someone taking off my socks.

  "No!" I jerked my foot away from him but he snatched it back and started tickling it. "Harry!" I started laughing, "Fuck, stop it!"

  I was squirming around trying to get my foot away from Harry when someone unexpectedly opened the door Niall had been leaning on. He felt out and I laughed harder only to realize that I was falling with him, since he'd been the one I was leaning on.

  I ended up on top of Niall, facing the sky. Someone was leaning over me but their face was covered by a shadow. They offered me a hand and I took it. "Katylin?" I nodded. "Your brother requested to see you, he's in room 506."

  "Thanks!" I walked around them and took off across the parking lot. Once I was in the hospital I jogged to the elevator and slammed the button. I waited for awhile. It was taking too long. I ran for the stairs, taking them two at a time. When I reached the fifth floor I flung the door open and slowed to a walk. 506, I thought to myself. 506. I walked past 504 and flashed into the next room.

  He was laying on the bed, his face drained of any color. I gasped and his eyes fluttered. "Kate." A smile played around the corners of his mouth.

  "Liam.." Tears rose in my eyes, "I'm so.. I'm sorry." He waved me over and in a second I was by his side. He lifted his hand and I took it.

  "It's not your fault." I tear fell down my face. But it was my fault. How did he not see that? He looked down at my leg. Suddenly alert, he shot up in his bed, "What happened to your leg?!" I sighed.

   "So he dropped me the first night.. And I landed kind of weird. So it's broken now! Yaaaay..."

   "What? Why'd he drop you?!"

   "Well.. He didn't want me talking, and he dropped me so he could hit me." I winced as my hand went up to feel the side of my face. The bruise still hurt from where he'd hit me the hardest.

   "Wait." I could see the wheels turning in his head as he thought about this.

   "It was so hard Liam," I blurted, "To sit there and watch the shit get beaten out of you, knowing I couldn't do anything!" I was shaking. The memory was terrible.. I'd felt so.... Helpless.

   "So it was you." His eyes widened as he took this in.

   "Josh didn't recognize you in the dark, but I did. When I said your name he freaked out, he didn't want you dead yet."

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