Hot Face; 16

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  • Dedicated to Cameron Baker

A/N: So uh here is Chapter 16, glad you guys have been liking the story! It's soooooo close to 13.6k reads! I feel like a proud mother :) Sorry it's been awhile though, school is 5 days a week and cross country is six. We've been getting up at 5 every morning to run before school, and we run at 6:30 on Saturdays. It's really tiring. Like I legit sleep all the time.

If you find this chapter confusing, just say so. I'll try to explain it as best as possible.

Thanks For Reading,

Kate xoxo

Chapter 16; Hot Face

*Kate's POV*

   My head was pounding and I knew better than to open my eyes, that would just make the headache worse, especially if any lights were on. But I opened my eyes anyways. "SKSKPH!" The sudden light was insanely bright, and I shoved my face into the ground, trying to quiet the ever loudening pounding.

   As I lay still I noticed my throat and nose burning, and my mouth was numb. Something was pressed against my stomach. A foggy voice sounded high above me, "Get up son." I attempted to tell him I was a girl, but I think it sounded more like, 'Skits cah fer.'

   The pressure on my stomach was relieved and I felt a violent rush of heat. My stomach began to burn as I screamed, writhing on the ground. Suddenly my mouth was working correctly, "It BURNS!"

   Someone was yelling over and over, "Where? WHERE?!"

   I was getting severely pissed off when I heard a thud and the voice went away, another one replacing it. "It's her stomach!" I nodded vigorously, still convulsing on the ground. "I need ICE!"

   My headache was getting worse as someone rattled a bunch of ice in the background. A new voice added to the commotion, "What's wrong with her?!"

   "I don't know!"

   "Dammit, why not?!"

   Short on breath, I managed to yell, "SHUT THE FUC-" Before breaking into screams again.

   "Hold her down, somebody!" I instantly felt hands on my wrists, pinning my arms down, in another instant somebody was sitting on my legs. "Now what?"

   "This," I felt someone's hands slither under my shirt and tried to jerk away. I resulted in banging my head on the floor, causing the pounding in my head to get harder. My stomach was on fire as whoever it was settled their hands near my belly button. Their hands were freezing, and I immediately stopped screaming. As the cold from their hands radiated out across my stomach, I gradually stopped convulsing and lay on the floor as I had been earlier.

   The first voice was back, "Is she done?"

   "I think so," Suddenly the voice was very close to my face. "Are you okay babe?" I wasn't sure, as my eyes were still closed, but I thought the voice belonged to Niall

   "My head." I groaned and one of the hands left my stomach, coming up to rest on my forehead. The pounding lost intensity, and I managed to crack my eyes open. "Good God!" I slammed them shut again, "Why are the lights so bright!?"

   Someone in the other room shouted, "Turn off the lights! It's about time anyways."

   "You guys still have curfew around here?"

   A different voice answered. "Police enforced. Speaking of the police, how'd you manage to get here without getting caught by one?"

   "We came across a few," I remembered, "but you know. My boy didn't even notice that they were officers." The 'click' of the light switch was barely audible, but I heard it as the cue to open my eyes. Not a light was burning in the apartment. I sighed with relief and relaxed. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I found that Niall was the one with cold hands and smiled. "How'd we get here?"

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