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Second Life

"Leave him alone now" growl a deep and baritone voice from a few meters away.

The snow is slowly falling, the temperature is getting much colder than usual. You walk to the abandoned house and peek on the other side to see where are the noises and shouts coming from.

You got shivers when you see a two tall man standing across while pointing a gun to each other. They got a same feather coat but the other one has pink feather coat and the other has black.

"He is... Free now!" Shouts the man with the black feather coat. Your eyes widen with a sudden word that comes out from that man. Your body shake and you tighten your grip to the wall to support on your almost shaken feet.

You don't understand but you feel something when you hear that word from that man. And you slowly realizing whats really happening in that scene.

But a few minutes later you heard a loud gun shots, not once but several gunshots and a loud thud as you watch the man with the black feather fall to the ground. The tall man with the pink feather coat wearing sunglasses looks very mad and its visible those veins in his forehead as he turn around and walk away.

You hold your mouth to not make any noises as some other people come closer to the man with black coat. You thought they will get the man but they only get the bags of berries and some treasure chests, leaving the wounded man in the ground to bath with his own blood and to come to his own death.

You sit on the snowy ground and breathe heavily. You know you should go and leave that matter alone. You should not get yourself involve to those conflicts, specially those men are undoubtedly a pirates. They are vicious and would just bring a non ending problems when they are around. Not to mention what just happened in this island a moments ago.

You look at the sky and it greeted you with a cloudy and gloomy color, with a little and soft snows slowly falling on your face. The temperature is getting colder every minute past by and your thick coat are not helping anymore to give you some heat but that doesn't stop you from staying in your position without moving an inch.

Why I am here? What I am doing here? I should go back to my house now and get some refreshing coffee and study more medical books.

You thought as you hear another explosions from a far. You guess its from the coast. You sigh annoyingly as you thought those pirates are making chaos in this very peaceful island again. You are about to leave and run to the coast but then you hear a low whisper.

"Not yet"

You froze down as you look at the man whose laying in the snowy ground. He is breathing heavily as he slowly open his eyes and look up. You saw the little smile on his red tinted lips as he control his breathing to stay awake and live just a little longer.

You don't know why but your heart aches like someone pinch it. You breathe heavy as you grip your chest.

"Damn it" you curse under your breathe as you look on your surroundings to make sure there isn't anyone anymore on this place or nearby. You waited a few minutes to make sure there is no one approaching or something that will get on your way.

When you make sure everything  is clear, you run fast towards the man who is lying down. His eyes are already close now and he is barely breathing, the snows are laying on his face and whole body now, but you notice his little smile and peaceful face. Your heart aches more as a little tear falls on your eyes.

You really don't understand yourself anymore. Crying over a man you didn't even know who he was or what kind of person he is. But there is one certain.

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