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"I'm excited for the festival, that will be tonight right?" Rosinante happily ask, he's leaning on the table while watching you to prepare some food. Admiration is visible in his eyes.

You avoid his stare and just calmly put down the food that you cooked.

"Yeah. But I'm sure there are already lots of activities right now in the town." You answered and sit across him. He never leave his stare on you while there is a sweet smile plastering on his lips.

After that kiss that you gave him, you notice Rosinante become more gentle and sweet towards you, although he's naturally gentle but in this case he is more. He also become more caring and a little touchy. That made you go fucking crazy.

"Must be nice." He comment as he grab some food to his plate and start eating while still staring at you.

"Do you want to go there early?" You ask, you now look at him. He smiles to you like an idiot.

But a cute damn idiot.

You feel your face burn so you divert your attention to your food and start eating.

"I would love to." Rosinante answered happily. You just nod and finish your foods.

"How do I look?" He ask while stepping out to the bathroom where he change his clothes. You stare at him from head to toe and a heat rush towards your face.

He is now wearing the suit that Sarah personally made. A white button down long sleeve, partnered by a dark blue jeans and his black feather coat is as usual hanging on his back. You notice the half upper part of his shirt are unbuttoned which is revealing his damn chest. He is holding the black neck tie like he has no plan putting it in.

You frown at him and walks infront of him.

"Lean down." You demand. A wide smile plaster on his lips while he's leaning down to you. You button his shirt so that his chest will be covered, you snatch the neck tie on his hand and put it properly on his neck.

You step back and stare at him again with a victorious smile.

"Better." You said. You saw him pout.

"Why did you close it?" He ask referring to his unbutton shirt earlier. He turn to the mirror and look at his reflection.

"That's way better." You answer him and got to your room to change.

"Hmm. Don't you want me to reveal much skin?" He ask and you can notice the playful tone in his voice. You can also imagine the wicked smile on his face.

You just roll your eyes while slipping in your black dress that you bought days ago. You face a mirror on your room and put some make up and braid your hair. You're used to fixing yourself like this. After you're already satisfied on your looks you step out from your room. You spot Rosinante waiting on you in the couch.

He immediately look at you when you got out, a wide smile spread on his lips as always and admiration is visible on his eyes.

"You look.. beautiful." He said in a very sweet voice that made your heart jump. A heat rush on your face as you draw a little smile on him.

"As I should." You said cockily, you heard Rosinante chuckled.

"So, shall we?" He ask as he stands up.

"Wait." You step in the kitchen and grab a clean towel and you damp it. You got back to Rosinante, he is watching you in confusion as you climb up in the couch so that you could be on his level even a little bit. He's still taller but atleast you can now reach his face.

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