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You took your motor boat as you drive it faster to reach the middle part of the ocean.

"There is one battle ship from Marine and a ship from Cipher pol. They are heading in that island. As for your mission. I want you to annihilate those."

This is the way I live.

Once you saw the two big ship sailing in the ocean you leave your boat near on that ship and fly on the air using the technique called geppo. Its not that far away so you can balance yourself until you arrive at the deck of the battle ship. Everyone become alert and ready to fight you but before they can attack, your arrows from your bow is already flying to them, and creates multiple explosions as they landed.

"Enemy!" They all shouted as all of the marine gather at the deck and attack you

"Leave no trace, (yn)"

You quickly jump while shooting your arrows to them. Explosions of bombs and shouting of the marines filled the calm and silent ocean. You notice the nearby ship is launching an attack to you so you didn't waste any time. Using your free hand everyone who's near to you, giving them a touch of your hand and in few seconds they are already decaying and later on turning into ashes.

Shooting arrow and decaying is the only thing that you're doing to defeat those marines. As the cipher pol ship is getting into your nerves you jump in the air and land in their ship

"It's really been a while. Suzume." One of the cipher pol talks. You clenched your jaw as you quickly walk to him he draw his sword and tried to attack you but that didn't work as one touch on that sword it turns to dust. You smirk as you saw him trembles.

"Never call me with that filthy name again" You said as you slap the man hard in the face. In a few seconds the man starts decaying again.

Before everyone launch an attack, You touch the deck of the ship for ten seconds as you see it starts turning to dust. You can hear the panic of its passengers as some other cipher pol tries to attack you. You dash towards them while touching them one by one then you launch in the air and shoot them with arrows

You move back to the marine's ship again as you watch the cipher pol's ship slowly turning to ashes and some of their bombs are exploding now. Everyone is on panic.

You were busy on killing those filthy marines as you heard some voice.

"So you really showed up, Mass Murderer Suzume." Said a vice admiral. Holding his gun and aiming at you. You smile evilly even tho he cant see your whole face he can still see your sharp eyes.

"As if I'd let you create havoc on that island" You growled. The vice admiral laughs.

"And you think you save that island for just annihilating us all here?" Some marines tried to attack you but you finish them by just a single touch.

"Your power is really terrible. Why don't you go back to the marine now? I'm sure your father misses you so much" He said in a very annoying way. You lose your temper so you attack him immediately.

The thing that you hated the most is mentioning your ungrateful father.

You launch attack and shoot him with arrows but you should not forgot that they are not vice admiral for nothing. He can easily dodge your shoots as your attempt on touching him.

You heard a loud explosion as the neighbor ship had completely burn down. You didn't left anyone alive there, you turn them all to ashes.

"You must be really feel sorry for being born. Such person like you have no space in this world but to be just a tool." That fucking vice admiral bark again. You look at him sharply as you tried to attack him again. But his observation haki is really pain in the ass and he can predict your attacks.

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