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"Are you sure about this, (yn)?!" Corazon asked for the 9th time. You are now sailing your little boat that shanks gives you. You are going back to the little island you were staying at.

"I am. And why are you even with me, Corazon?! I thought you're going to leave and look for Law?" You ask. But you can't deny that you feels good with him beside you.

"I'm coming with you with whatever plan you have!" He answered.

"And why is that?"

"I don't know" He shrugs. You turn at him and frown.

"What kind of answer is that?! Why would you even want to get drag of my own mess?!" You taken a back when he smiles widely at you.

"You drag yourself in my own mess too, so we're just even" He said and wink at you

Your eyes widen as you felt a sudden heat climbing up to your face. You turn around quickly to hide your face. But Corazon still caught you since the sun is already rising and you two are in the middle of the ocean sailing back. He can clearly see your face.

You heard him chuckle, that made your heartbeat go crazier than usual. You didn't mind him and focus on the ocean

You shouldn't let this nonsense thing get ahead of you. This attachment will just go nowhere once this is all over.

"Corazon. You should really leave. I can handle this alone, and I don't want you to get involved with this." You said when finally you reach the shore and you are now leaving the little boat.

"I will help you with this." He said. You are now walking to the sands heading to the forest where it leads the way to your little house. You sigh in defeat.

"Fine if you really insist then do me a favor." You said.

"I would gladly too!" He beam. You just shake your head. Why is he even being so lively? Whats with this guy really.

When you arrive at your house you immediately make some coffee and food as you felt your hunger. Corazon help you out so the work doesn't get difficult as your energy hasn't fully got back.

"Say, (yn). Do you hate marines?" Corazon suddenly asked out of the blue. You two are sitting on the couch in front of your fire place to ease the coldness. You are trying to clean and treat your wound in your arms that you got from the gunshot and Corazon is helping you with that.

The snow is again falling so the temperature drop down again. Corazon is sitting beside you, he's leaning to you while he's trying to clean your wound, his scent that mixed with cigar and mint is invading your nostrils. That made you lose your mind a little bit but then it got back when Corazon accidentally press a little hard to your wound that made you wince.

"Oh!! I'm sorry!" He panick. You shook your head then you chuckled to his clumsiness.

"Careful, you clumsy guy" you said. He turn to you then pouts. You gran the cotton that he's holding and you ask him to help you attach the bandages instead.

"I am not" he said. You bit your lips and focus on whatever you're doing to distract yourself from his cuteness.

Damn it (yn) put your shits together.

"I don't generally hate marines. There are some that still kind.. But most of them are shit." You respond to his question earlier. You saw on your peripheral vision that he nods.

"My real name is.. Rosinante." He said. Your brows furrowed as you turn to him. He is not looking at you, he is just staring at the bandages.

"Rosinante?" You asked in confusion.

Antidote [Corazon x reader]Where stories live. Discover now