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You got back to your own room and sleeping again. Corazon is sleeping in the couch on your living room. You told him that he can sleep in the bed at the clinic but he refuses, he said he want to be near you so atleast he can watch you as he always do when you're still unconscious for two days.

It's in the middle of the night, when you suddenly groan in pain. Beads of sweats is dripping on your forehead even if the temperature is so cold.

"No! Stop! I don't want to. Don't hurt me!" You screams, that made Corazon jolt and wake up. He stands up and wander his eyes and find where the noise is coming from.

A loud thud coming from your room, Corazon rushes to you only to find out you're shaking violently, sweating and kicking but your eyes are still close. Some things like books and picture frames are on the ground, it fells from your bedside table.

"Please stop! It hurts so bad! Let me go!!" You screams again and almost the whole room shaken. Corazon wince but he quickly sat on your bed and holds your shoulder

"(Yn)! Hey! Wake up" Corazon trying to wake you up but you still not opening your eyes and you're still shaking.

Corazon holds you firmly and try to sit you up. He gently pull you to a tight embrace. You're still screaming, he's gently stroking your hair as your shaking is slowly ease down.

"Shhh. I'm here, (yn). You're safe." He whispers on your ear. You start sobbing and tears are now flowing from your eyes, damping Corazon's chest but you're still unconscious.

Is this what Shanks talking about?

Corazon thought to himself. The nightmares and your panic attacks. He tighten his hug to you more so that you'd stop shaking. He's planting small soft kisses to your head while gently stroking your back and hair.

"(Yn) I'm here for you. No one can hurt you now. You're safe" Corazon once again whispers gently.

Hearing your loud sobs tore his heart into pieces. He can't imagine how worst your past about that made you had this kind of nightmares.

He felt like his heart is pouring some acid.

Corazon just whispering comforting words to your ears. When finally you're conscious. Your sobs lessen and get quieter. But you still can't stop your tears, and gently soft sobs still occasionally skipping to your lips. Corazon seems felt you're already awake, he attempt to lean back, but your hand resting on his chest grips his shirt.

"P-please.." you whisper quietly. He freeze.

"Stay..." You bit your lower lip. "A little bit." Soft sobs again escape from your lips. You're just letting your tears falls as bitter past flashes to your mind.

You don't want to remember that anymore but you can't do anything about it as almost every night you're having a bad dream about your ungrateful past. It's been very traumatizing for you and you can't help but to endure it alone.

You feel Corazon carry on stroking your hair.

"I'm just here. I'll stay" he said in a very comforting voice.

You never want anyone will see you in a vulnerable and helpless condition like this but you can't help how Corazon's warm hug makes you calm.

You feel comfortable and secure inside his arms. His manly scent is invading your nostrils where you're slowly becoming addicted to it. You felt Corazon plant small kisses on your head again. Your heart become unstable and beats like a mad man. A raging heat climbs to your face, you wanted to protest or stop him but you can't do it.

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