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"So, just see you in the town?" Rosinante ask, he is now tying the boat in some wood. You two dock on a little pier on a certain island where you agreed to meet up with Shanks.

"Yup! I'll be just quick, and I'll find you in the town after." You stated, he just smiles at you and plants a soft kiss to your lips.

Your whole face burns and your hearts become wild again. You just pinch his nose and turn your back to him. You heard his soft chuckles that made your heart melt.

Damn. I'm torturing myself.

You walk down in to the little forest until you saw a little cave and big rocks, there is a figure sitting on a big rock. While you walk closer you recognize that figure and see the red hair man while holding a bottle of liquor. When he spotted you, he beam a wide smile, he throws a bottle of liquor to you and you catch it easily.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, (yn)?" He ask playfully. You glared at him while opening the bottle.

"I have things that I need to talk to you, before.." you paused and look at him.

"Before I proceed to my journey." You finish your sentence, you tasted the liquor and you recognize this is your favorite one. He still remembers it.

You hear a playful hmm from the red hair.

"Well, before that. I am glad that you're fine." He says and ruffles your hair. You roll your eyes.

"Not until I will reach Farvel." You whisper and drink from the bottle again. You saw how Shanks frown at you.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not here to talk about that. Let me be straight. I know as of now your crew is one of the strong pirate groups. Do me a favor, Shanks." You put down the bottle and look at Shanks, there is curiosity in his eyes now.

"What is it?" He ask, he also put down his own bottle of liquor and turns to you.

"Make the Island one of your territory." You stated. The curiosity on Shanks face replaced by a confusion. But he is certain on what island you're talking about.

"What? Why would I do that? Why are you entrusting that Island to the hands of a pirate, (yn)?"

"You know that the government knew I was hiding in that island. I'm afraid they'll do something when I'm no longer there. Shanks, protect the island for me, please." Shanks looks at you and sigh.

"Why didn't you ask crocodile? He is a shichibukai. I'm sure he can protect the island too." Shanks answered. He grab his bottle and drink the liquor again.

"You're the only one I can trust with this." You answered firmly. The red hair halts and looks at you. He put the bottle away from his mouth.

You grab the bottle of liquor that Shanks gave to you as you stand up.

"Consider that as my last request to you and your farewell gift to me.." you paused. You look at Shanks and draw a warm smile.

"And also. I'm officially quitting from the Red-Hair Pirates." You stated, you turn your back and starts walking. Shanks immediately stands up.

"(Yn)! Dont tell me.. you're.." He doesn't know what to add to his sentence. He don't want to say it but he already has a hint.

"This might be our last meeting." You halt and look at him one more time. Worry is now evident on his face.

"Don't catch a cold, Shanks."


"Have you already arrange everything?" You ask. You heard a villainous laugh from the other side of the line

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