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You are sure that letting this feelings grow will just give you a lot of problem soon but you set aside all of that. You can't just push away this hot blonde beside you who don't want anything but to make you feel how he loves and value you.

You still can't believe it but you can really feel it. His feelings for you is genuine.

You stop stroking his soft blonde hair when you hear him grown. He move his head and open his eyes and his reddish-brown orbs found its way to yours.

"Goodmorning, beautiful." His husky voice linger to your ears like its the most beautiful voice you have ever heard. A warm smile is appearing to his lips as he pecks a little kisses on your cheeks.

Your heart starts hammering inside your chest and you can't help but to smile.

"Goodmorning, Rosi. Did you slept well?" You ask him and you just continue stroking and playing with his hear gently.

"It was the best sleep I ever had." He whispers as he giggles and his soft breathe is tickling on your neck.

You can't help but to wish to stay on this moment forever. You felt him cuddling you, while you're planting soft kisses into his head.

"(Yn)" You heard him calls you. You turn to face him.

"Hmm?" A wide smile appear on his lips as he stole a quick kiss from your lips.

"I love you." The blonde says thoughtfully. You felt sudden heat rush to your face and you look away. You bite your lips when you heard him chuckles.

"I-i.." you look down. "love you." You whisper. You felt Rosinante's hug tighten.

This is just too much for your heart to handle. You suddenly felt weak only your heart is strong while thumping inside your ribcage.

You still want to stay there and cuddle Rosinante but suddenly your dendenmushi rings. You immediately sit up, you fix your hair and stands up and pick your dendenmushi.

"I'll just pick this up." You says to the blonde and quickly walk out to your room and went in the kitchen while answering the call.

"(Yn). Did I wake you up?" You heard from the other line then he laughs.

"Nah." You just answered shortly. You try to pick some eggs and tomatoes from your fridge to prepare some breakfast.

"I found him" his deep baritone voice echo to your ears. You stiff and unable to answer. So you heard him continue talking.

"I already collected some intel about a certain--"

"What are those?" You cut him off not letting him finish what he has to say. You're just making sure no one can understand what is he talking or if Rosi happened is listening.

You start brewing coffee first.

"I also got the exact location. What are you gonna do about it?" Ask crocodile.

"I'll leave as soon as possible and that will be my next destination. In which island it is?" You answered quickly. You look at your back and sigh in relief when you didn't see anything or Rosinante there.

You don't want him hearing anything about your business.

"Its called, Farvel. If I'm not mistaken it's not that far from where you're at." He explains.

"Sent me more informations about the island--" you stop talking when you felt Rosinante's presence coming near.

"Do you need a ship or something? Just name it (yn)." Crocs said and draw again a villainous laugh.

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