Special : Enchanted

883 46 19

[ Rosinante's Pov ]

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

A soothing beautiful voice lingered to blonde's ears that made his heart skip a beat. That voice, it feels like its the most wonderful voice he have ever heard in his life.

He can feel the warmth from the presence standing beside him. It makes it him very comfortable, calm and at the same time made the blonde's heart beats wild.

I can't understand. Who is she?

He look at her, she is standing beside him. Her shining hair is dancing with the wind but he can't see her face. There is some shadow covering her face.

Who are you? I want to know you.

"Do you love the moon?" He asked instead and look at the bright moon. He heard her chuckles. That made his heart flatter.

"As much as I love you.. Rosi."





What's that noise? It's disturbing my moment with her.

"Cora-san! Wake up!!"

Rosinante twitch his brows as he suddenly sit up, but as he try to do it he slipped through the bed and falls down flat at his back.

"Ouch!" The man groan as he scratch his back.

It hurts, damn. He thought.

"Having that dream again?" A young voice echo, Rosi look at the small child in front of him looking worried.

"Ah. Yes. But don't worry! I'm fine!" The blonde said as he beam with wide smile.

He don't understand his self lately. He's always having this weird dream with someone. Specifically a girl with a blurred face. He feel strange specially whenever he's with her. It feels like he knows her somehow and they have a deep connection.

Rosinante stand up walking out of the room which Law follows him. He smells some food as Law usually cook for breakfast.

It's been a year now since that incident happened. Rosinante is thankful that he found Law not that long after and they live together traveling from island to island. They also found this cute little bear in a certain island and goes with them.

"Hmm. This smells good!" The tall blonde complimented on Laws cooking and he pat his head gently. The child just then giggles and they start eating.

"Bepo! You eat too much." Law complaint to the white little bear beside him. The polar bear just scratch his head.

"I'm sorry! But.. you cook deliciously, I can't help myself." The polar bear said as he look down. The tall guy just chuckled.

"That's fine. You two can eat as much as you can!" Rosinante said and beam with a wide smile. Law just hiss and continue his eating.

After they eat, the polar bear offers to wash the dishes. Rosinante went out from the little abandoned house they occupy, they stop by in this little island for maybe a couple of week so that their log pose will be up to date.

The blonde wonder if its just him or is this island is really familiar?

I'm not sure if this is the island where Doffy shot me a year ago, but its kinda different. Or things have changed? But I heard this island is one of those Red-haired pirate's territory.

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