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The buster call

You can't get Corazon's word off to your mind. You perfectly know that there is a 0% chance of you surviving the buster call that you're about to stop.

But you can't even stop thinking what if you really survive? What will you do? What will happen?

You shake your head as you focus on watching the calm dark ocean, you already got away from the island. You knew any minute the group of strong warship will surround the whole island and will enable the buster call.

You will never let that happened so before the warship will get near to the island you will try to annihilate them all. You plan this all along. You choose to die with them. You thought this is the only way to save the island and the whole world.

If I'll die they will lose the weapon that they wanted a long time ago

You thought dying is the only way to stop all of this.

You waited a few hours when you finally see hundreds of warship coming to your way. You ready your self, get yourself focus. You remove all the unnecessary thought in your head and activate the personality that you never wanted to be again.

You carefully get near to those warships as you launch in the air and without warning you land to one of warship touching it to decay. You jump one after another, the marines already started to notice you as their warship are starting to decay. Almost everyone got in panic and is trying to hunt you down.


"Silent" Corazon says as a circle invisible wall envelope the whole island. He activate his devil fruit power so that the whole island will not disturb by the sound of chaos that (yn) will create anytime soon.

Corazon stay in the shore, he is not sure what he need to do. He wants to help you but there is nothing he can think to do as of now. He don't want to mess your plan even tho he is against with it.

He doesn't know but even if he is sure that there is a 100% chance of you dying in that battle he is still hope that you will survive and he will wait for you to come back.

A few hours have past and he is just sitting on the sand, watching the dark vast ocean when suddenly in the far corner of the see he can see lights. Strong fear envelope his whole body when he realize its not just a light from some fishing boat that is.

He realize that light is coming from a fire, a burning warship looks like there is a fire in the ocean and its slowly spreading. He's so sure that if he didn't use his devil fruit the loud explosions, screaming and burning sounds will hear across this island.

(Yn) make sure that this island will not disturb from it and she never wants the town people will know about it.

The battle is fierce and (yn) really is having a hard time to deal with those all marines. It took him so much time and energy to take down everyone. The battle last long, (yn) slowly feeling tired and her energy is slowly exhausting. But there are still several warship that is trying to kill her.

The ocean is like on fire now and some area of the water turns red because of the marines blood, the white snow that are slowly falling looks like small fire balls that are reflecting to the fire's light. (Yn)'s body is soaked with blood too, mixed with her own and her enemies. She can feel her body is slowly giving up but she is determined and will not stop not until there is no one standing in this ocean. She pushing her body to it's limit and finish the few warship that remaining and trying to fled away.

When you're on the last warship you really felt your body becoming heavy. Your wounds and injuries are aching so much that you feels like you're dying now. Killing the last marine in the ship, you collapse and fall to the ground. Your body is giving up and you wanted to just close your eyes and rest.

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