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A weapon

"I've come here to warn you, (yn)" He said as he step closer to you.

You felt Corazon stood in your side and was preparing his self to any trouble that it may cause you anytime soon.

You laugh sarcastically at the red haired man in front of you then you shot him your sharp eyes, that made him stops at his tracks and stare at you.

"Its been a while, don't you think Shanks? And you talks to me casually like nothing happened." You said full of bitterness on your voice as you can't hold your emotions anymore.

"And I didn't come here to talk about the old days, (yn)." He shot back with a firm voice. You felt shiver down to your spine and made you unable to talk for minutes.

"I'm about to reveal something to you but" Shanks looks around, he seems like he's making sure there is no other ship or boat nearby that can possibly hear whatever he needs to say.

"What?" You ask in confusion.

"This shouldn't hear anyone else, or you'll be in great danger." Shanks seriously said then he look at Corazon near you. You turn to Corazon too and he frowns. But after few seconds he snap his finger.

"Silent" He said. In a blink the loud crashing of the waves vanish and you can't hear anything.

"Its my devil fruit. It can create an invisible sound proof barrier, it can vanish any sound from outside and those who are outside my circle can't hear us either. Cool isn't it?" He smirks. You frown at him.

"What's cool with that" you snorted. Corazon frowns at you then he pouts.

But Shanks immediately got your attention as he spoke up.

"The government knew about your tracks and they are more desperate to capture you because Vegapunk already complete his experiments. He completes his research and they are now certain that their plan will succeed this time, and they will do everything to capture you and perform the last step of their inventions." Shanks explain without wasting any more time.

It took a minute for you to absorb what he just reveal to you and in every second the fear that you always tries to fight is now growing.

"They send those ships to confirm if you are really hiding into that island. And because of what you did, you just confirm it. Now the marine will perform the buster call in this island to annihilate you. They give you 24 hours to surrender before they will send the buster call." You clenched your fist because of what you heard.

"No.. This is not happening." You have nothing to say. You can't believe whats happening. You refuse to believe.

"You should leave now, (yn)!" Shanks said as he steps closer to you and taps your shoulder.

"If I will surrender, they will leave this island alone. Right?" You ask. Disapproval is very evident in Shanks eyes.

"Dont tell me you're planning to surrender yourself, (yn)?! Don't be ridiculous!" He shouts. You bit your lips, you can't hide your frustrations anymore as the fatigue is catching up to your body as well. Your whole body trembles and your wounds aches so much.

"Damn it. They will fucking erase the island if I didn't do anything! If I escape, they will still perform the buster call. They always plays dirty, you know it Shanks!" You shouts back.

"And surrendering yourself will guarantee the island's safety you think?" He ask. You look up at him, different emotions are visible in his eyes.

"They will leave the island alone. I will close the deal." You said. Shanks grip on your shoulder tightly but its enough to not hurt you.

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