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A man named Corazon

"So I suppose, this is my second life?" The clown looking man asked. You just nod and continue fixing the dextrose and when you are done you stood up straight and facing him.

Even if he's sitting on the bed he still taller than you.

"Name?" You ask. You are not that really friendly so you doesn't know how to ask a name properly.

He looked like a little intimidated by you so he lean back a little more.

"M-my name is C--" he paused and stared at you. He seems to hesitate to give you a name or something so you raise your one eyebrow.

"What?" You asked again a little bit annoyed because your impatient ass is kicking on your attitude again

"Corazon" there he said it. You nod and smile. You saw him heave a sigh with relief and he relax a little bit. You chuckled.

I guess I intimidated him a little, my bad

You thought in yourself.

"Im (YN). You look like you can get up now. I'll just prepare some food to eat. I'm sure you're hungry now." You said and you left the man in the room and go to your kitchen to prepare something to him.

But even if you're doing something you still never let your guard down. You thought he's till a pirate, you didn't know what he did why that pinky feather man shoot him. But you still got a hint. He freed someone maybe from that man. Could be their slave or something.

You felt his presence entered the kitchen. Perfect timing you just finish cooking and already preparing the foods. You turn around to put the food in the dining table as you saw a very tall man with his black feather coat. He's leaning down a bit because if he stands straight he surely hit his head on the ceiling. Is he some kind of a giant or what?

As he walks he for some reason you how he tripped and land on the floor. Your eyes widen in shocked.

"H-hey! Are you okay?!" You asked worriedly. He quickly stands up.

"Yep! All good" he said as he sat down on the chair. You shook your head thinking maybe he's that hungry and can't walk properly so he tripped.

"You should be hungry. Eat." You said as he is looking at you. Hesitant is visible on his face so you talked again

"Don't worry. I won't charge you anything. You just eat and if you feel better you can leave already. I don't want to get in trouble just by saving you." You said as you sit down across him and got yourself a food.

"Why did you.. Save me?" He asks finally. He still haven't getting any food to his plate.

You look up at him and he is staring at you intently waiting for your answer. Well to be honest with yourself, you didn't even know why did you save this man from that incident. You perfectly know that its a very dangerous decision as this man should be dead now and if those pirates know that this man survives they will surely hunt him down again and if you got lucky you will get drag into this mess.

You sigh heavily and look down on your food. You didn't know what to answer and knowing by the moment this man steps out on your door your life can't be guarantee as safe at it was.

But well my life is never been safe to begin with.

"I'm a doctor. I can't just stand there and watch someone dying if I knew that there is something I can do." You answer and starts eating.

Corazon stared at you for a few minutes until he starts getting some foods. Before he eat he mumble a little thank you. You two ate in silence as the fork and plates are the only thing that creating noises. He's the one who finishes first and he put his dishes on the sink and starts washing it. You didn't mind him doing that until you are finish eating too so you wait him to finish washing the dishes so you can wash yours but after he's done he turn around and look at you.

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