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"I can move now. Don't overreact too much, Maki" You said in annoying tone as he's pestering you on why you shouldn't out from your house and should be resting now.

"But your wounds are serious! Why are you so stubborn." He protest as he pouts. You shake your head and frown at him

"That's why I bring this big guy right here." You said as you pointed at Rosinante standing beside you busy looking into some sunglasses that was displayed infront of the shop.

Maki throw a glance at Rosi and sigh in defeat.

"Ah. Whatever. Don't you ever blame anyone when you got your wounds open again. I won't treating you free this time." He said as he roll his eyes. You chuckles and pat his shoulder.

"Come on, Maki. I got out to buy some clothes I need to wear for the festival. Wasn't I promise you that I'll come?" You console him. As you thought Maki beam with smile.

"Fine. You did have a good reason." He answers. He was about to say more but an old tall man appear in his back and pinch his ears.

"Just I thought you're wandering again. Get back, we need a lot of works to do! And have you already finish the medical book that I give you?!" The old man said in a very annoyed tone.

"Ow! Ow! Yes, father! I'm sorry!!" Maki wince, you just chuckle to your ungrateful friend. The old man turn to you and offer a warm smile.

"Hey there, (yn). I'm glad you're doing good. How about a dinner at our house later?" He ask as he usually offer you a dinner at their house whenever he see's you. You just smile genuinely. But as usual you turn down the offer politely the old man just chuckle and drag his son away from you.

You turn around only to see Rosi is now exiting the shop beside you, there is a paper bag in his hands and now wearing a rectangular black sunglasses, while there is a cigarette in his mouth. He is now walking to you.

You can't help but to admire his fucking handsome face. You knew he's really good looking even with that weird make up on his face but damn, this just hits different. You felt a raging heat climb to your face as you look away.

"Hey. I bought some sunglasses since I lost my own before. I bought you one too, although I don't know if you're a fan of it." The handsome blonde guy says as he is handing you the paper bag in his hands.

Well, you just accept it since you can actually use it for disguise. And the summer is coming as the winter season has come to an end. The sky is very clear now and the strong sun is floating high above causing the surrounding to be bright and warm.

"Thanks." You mumble. He ruffles your hair and chuckles.

You two walks side by side in the town, you are wearing your sunglasses too. Its a dark red tinted sunglasses with gold frame. You like how your looks with it you so you keep wearing it the whole time you shop around. You buy some things that aren't really necessary. Then when finally you two are in a clothing shop the lady immediately greets you.

"(Yn)! Its been a while. I thought you already leave the island! That makes me sad" the owner of the shop says as she walks to you and give a casual hug you just offer her a warm smile as you remove your glasses.

"I'm just kinda busy. Do you have new arrivals?" You ask while browsing some of the clothes hanging. You notice the owner is glancing to the tall man beside you. He's also trying to browse some clothes but you're perfectly sure there is no size for him in this shop.

"Oh. For festival, isn't it? Yes. We have new arrivals at this corner.. but" She again glances at the tall blonde man.

"I'm afraid we dont have clothes that has a size for him. By the way. Is he your boyfriend? He kinda look weird but good choice!" The owner said while giggling. You frown at her but you can't deny the red tainted flush is visible on your cheeks. Sarah the owner of the shop notice that and she giggles more.

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