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Hi guys for starters my name's Rosa-Leigh and I'm 12 years old. I'm from December so technically I'm supposed to be 13. I told some people that I was 15 and that was a lie. I'm sorry but I just didn't want you guys to think I'm a little girl when I'm as mature as a 15 year old. Please forgive me. At least now I'm telling the truth.

My weight: 55 kgs

My height: 160

Problems I want to fix:
Armpit fat
Arm fat
Lower belly fat
Thigh fat

Thighs: I want to tone them and lose thigh fat. All of it.

Why am I doing this?
To become a kpop Idol.

I can't send photos right now because I'm already dressed and there's no wifi so maby later.

I have an audition soon. If I don't get it it's fine I'll just train through the hole school year and learn Korean. Right now it's summer vacation and the audition is on youtube until the 20th of august and I still haven't learned my choreo yet so I have to hurry.

Let's gauuuurrrr

Ps: the video is the dance I'm going to do for the audition

My weight loss journey and dance evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now