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hi everyone, I'm so happy to talk to you again and I wanted to update you about my weight loss journey because it's been a long time. so first I was unable to diet. I tried losing weight during the month of April, but I quickly abandoned and started eating again and I gained a lot of weight. I was at almost 54 kgs or something like that and no I'm at 57.2 kgs.

I started learning new dances. I started a routine where now I dance to antifragile nine times a day and I dance to the 2NE1 mash up four times a day

today I am on my period and I have very bad period cramps it hurts a lot but since I took medicine I feel better now so I think I can get out of my bed and start dancing again, but I don't think I'm gonna dance as much as I did two days ago.

I also took photos of my body to see my evolution, and I bought a new pair of shorts like jogging I kind of shorts and I told myself that it was a bit too small right now because I had big thighs but I will keep it so it will help me see if my thighs get slimmer.

yeah I'm gonna go dance and I'll update you all about my weight. Bye ❤️❤️❤️

My weight loss journey and dance evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now