121 4 4

WEEK uhhhhhh can someone tell me pls lol

Monday DAY 30: 56.5 kgs

Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: Pasta and nuggets, yogurt, an apple and ice cream

Dinner: Spaghetti with mashed carrots

I practiced love dive like CRRRRRAZYYYYYY

i ended up sweating like... A puddle.


Tuesday DAY 31: 55.0 kgs

Breakfast: Cereal tiny quantity

Lunch: I don't know the word in english. Translate it on google it's "blé" and for dessert an apple

I missed Yeonjun's live bc i was in school... I checked my phone in spanish class and saw the weverse notification,i was like NOOOOOOOOO


Wednesday DAY 32: 54.4 kgs

Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: nothing

Dinner: sandwich egg, salad and chicken.

My show is doneeeeeeee

We were supposed to be 6 members dancing but but we ended up being only four because the others couldn't come. We had to change everything since we were only four. We practised a lot but at the end it was still chaos. But we had a good time.


Thursday DAY 33: 54.5 kgs

Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: rice and spinach, and for dessert a yoghurt without sugar in it.

Dinner: pasta spaghetti with mozzarella


Friday DAY 34: 54.1 Kgs

Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: Nothing

I will do my own workout for weight loss soon but now i have to rest because i'm not feeling good.

Dinner: I feel like I have amnesia, I meen this is the day after and it's 1 pm and i don't remember what I had for dinner.

Send Help.



Saturday DAY 35: didn't weight myself

Breakfast: toast

Lunch: pasta with carrots

Dinner: rice and chicken.


I decided to learn how you like that because if i want to be a cover artist i have to at least know the easiest and most popular dances.


Sunday DAY 36: didn't weight myself

Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: I honestly don't remember

Dinner: don't remember either



so far this week went good. My weight changes a lot since i'm young and that's a good thing AND a bad thing. Remember my goal weight is between 45 kgs and 49 kgs but if i'm 49 i have more chances to go back to 50. So I guess 46 is good.

I heard about the ador audition and i really want to apply but i promised myself to workout through the hole year and learn korean and start auditions next year. And since i'll be 13/14 years old it will be easier.

I made a vietnamese friend who want to be a kpop idol too so we helpeach other.

Right now i'm really focused on my upper body bc next week i have a concert and i will be wearing a dress. Small reminder, my arms are extremely FAT. so i have a week to remove that fat.

Parts of the body I'm really focused on these days:

My hip dips aren't really a problem anymore.

Stay healthy!!

My weight loss journey and dance evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now