August 8th

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Hi guys! I'll really sorry I wasn't able to keep updating ! I had so much to do! I went to summer camp, changed places all the time and didn't have the time to update. But anyway the dance workout thing didn't "work out" 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm so pathetic help-

Anyways a lot of people told me I lost weight after coming back from summer camp (no shit Sherlock, I barely ate anything the food was so disgusting) so I'm very happy!

I did a dance cover of the 2ne1 mashup in front of the whole camp and people made fun of me. But it still felt good to perform.

Every time i tried weighting myself I had just ate something so I'm not sure how much I weigh. I think I'm somewhere under 55 kgs/121 lbs. I look more slim than before and I'm less insecure of my body (except when I see my friends.) The truth is, I don't really know what type of body I want anymore.

I want big 🍒 but I don't have them.
I want pretty curves but I feel like I need to gain weight for that.
And at the same time I really want to be slim so that I can be a trainee without having to suffer from a dangerous diet given to me by the company.
I think I'll try to lose weight and then exercise for pretty curves on a slim body.

Oh!  and I don't know if I told you, but I created a dance cover group ! We're gonna cover unforgiven soon and post it on our youtube channel, which we didn't open yet. But for those who have insta, we have an account. There's only one video and it's me dancing to Super Shy!
The account is moonkiss_crew. Go check it out!

I'm gonna give you some spoilers cause I love y'all 💗💗

After unforgiven, we're planning to cover « I am » and « Queencard ». So stay tuned!

At first I wanted to audition for I-land 2 but when I found out the group would debut under Wakeone entertainment, I was like Thanks but no thanks.
Don't wanna live a nightmare like Bahiyyih did.

And guess what! I'm in the exact same place as I was a year ago, when I was starting my journal. I'm in this Island called Sark and am staying in the same house ! So I thought since I filmed Addicted by Pixy for my audition last year, I thought I would cover it again but one year later to see my improvement. What do y'all think?

And since I'm not applying for an audition there is no deadline, so I have way more time to practice.

Yayyy I'm so excited to see my improvement !!!

Today is august 8th and I ate a toast with nutella on it and tea, for lunch I ate pasta, to slices of ham and one piece of pizza (for dessert an apple), and for dinner I had your mom 😌

Sorry for those who have mommy issues really sorry 🫢

I started a workout but then I had to go eat 😭
I finished it after eating

Luv u all you little but cheeks <3

My weight loss journey and dance evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now