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Current weight: 58kgs/ 127 lbs
Healthy goal weight: 50 kgs/ 110 lbs
Personal goal weight: 46 kgs/ 101 lbs

Well, I'll try even harder now and i swear i will NOT reach 60 kgs. If i do i will just fall into depression again lol

today is saturday
Breakfast: bread 🥖 with cheese 🧀 on it

Tuesday: sorry forgot to update but today went awful i was feeling super insecure but didn't talk about it to anyone
Breakfast: Cereal that i weighed before eating because they said 40 grams of those were like 154 cals or smth so i took 20 grams and it was good 👍 (so breakfast was like 84 cals or smth)
Lunch: Three chicken nuggets with potatoes 🥔 and that's all
Dinner: pasta with green pesto sauce and for dessert a yogurt

wednesday: since i have a lot of time today i'll probably have time to workout but first I have an exam in like 15 minutes so yeah heading to school
breakfast: same cereal


I went to my hip hop dance class and it was amazing, plus i went to a kpop workshop with Hyeonseok, a dancer of Bts, mamamoo and exid !!! DAMN HE WAS HOT. And i managed to take selfies with him and filmed a duo cover of the dance he teached us.
I'm so happy!!! still simping ngl. And I met a boy there and we became friends. I kinda have a crush on him... so he's a new motivation for my weight loss, I wanna look hot for him 😂😂

My legs and arms hurt from that tiring day tho 🥵

My mom bought green tea so it'll be good for my metabolism!

My weight loss journey and dance evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now