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Monday DAY 44

Breakfast: cereal medium bowl

Lunch: Thai rice and nuggets, for dessert a yogurt with sugar added

Dinner: vegetables and potatoes

I started a habit. After i finish my homework i take my phone and freestyle on kpop songs. It's really good for my cardio.


Tuesday DAY 45

Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: egg, pasta bolognese, yogurt

Dinner: don't

Danced to:

🎶Can't you see me?🎶 TxT

🎶Zoo🎶 nct, aespa

🎶Black mamba🎶 aespa     
And more   


Wednesday DAY 46


Weight: 54.5 kgs. not so bad!!

Breakfast: cereal

Lunch: lasagnas

Dinner: Chorizo, ham, and something

Didn't dance


Thursday DAY 47

Breakfast: toast with nutella

Lunch: Two chicken breasts, potatoes and a Nutella beignet

Dinner: Vegetables and a caramel yogurt

Danced to:

🎶Love dive🎶 IVE


Friday DAY 48

Weight: I usually wait myself at least twice to verify that the results are the same. But this morning, my weight was changing every time I would weigh myself so I have no idea of how much I weight right now.

Breakfast: toast with jam

Lunch: Rice and a piece of bread. I didn't want to eat because I was scared to gain some weight.

Dinner: tortilla with ham and cheese in it. It was freaking 1 am 😭😭😭

This was long ago so i'll just skip to right now because i really am lazy and don't want to talk about the other week. I basically ate a lot but mostly veggies and fruits. I danced a lot but i don't think i lost any weight.

My weight loss journey and dance evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now