how it started......

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Everyone thinks they know what happened that day back in '87. Truth is they don't know anything. I do. I was there.

My name is Fritz Smith. And I was one of those murdered kids. Me, Jeremy, Gabriel, Susie, And Michael. We were all murder by one guy, William Afton. It happened like this......

Freddy Fazbear's pizza 1987.

It was Michael's birthday. We were all there for his party. And at first it was like any other day. "Jeremy! Come on foxy's show is starting!" We rushed over to pirates cove as fast as our little 7 year old legs could carry us. Foxy was my favorite one of the group, though he wasn't a part of the band. Jeremy was my best friend out of our group. We've been friends our whole lives, so we've always been closer to each other than the rest.

We sit at the foot of foxy's stage, our eyes wide with wonder and excitement. He performs his show as he always does, I repeat the words as he says them, basically having memorized them. Jeremy giggles as I do. When the show is over, we head back to my mom and the party. When we get back to everyone I see Michael staring at something. I follow his eyes and see ges staring at a pure yellow bunny. The suit looks a little to be at this restaurant. "He's creepy." Michael says, backing away from it a little. "He looks lonely. We should go say hi" I grab ahold of his hand and pull him over to the rabbit.

I'm not afraid to say, that was my first mistake.

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