On that day.

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       "Hi mister bunny. You looked lonely" I say, keeping a hold of Michael's hand so he doesn't try to run away. "Hi. I'm golden bonnie. Your name is Fritz, right?" I nod, amazed  he knows my name. He comes down to Michael's and i's level. "I got a surprise.  How about you grab your friends and come with me." "Ok. Well be right back!" I am absolutely excited.
        I go back to the table where Gabriel, Susie, and Jeremy are. "Guys! Golden Bonnie has a surprise for us, come on!" I pull on Jeremy's hand. "I don't know Fritz, he's kind of scary." I look at him and touch my hand to his cheek. "It….will be alright, i'll be right next to you." He nods slightly, as we all follow Golden Bonnie away from everyone else.

This was my second mistake

       He leads us to a back room. The sound of the show and the other children can still be heard. We all turn around to look at him. My eyes go wide and my face grows pale as I see him holding a knife. I hear a loud scream as he goes after Susie. Then Gabriel. Then Michael. As he turns to me I squeeze Jeremy's hand tight "Jeremy…….im so sorry" he looks at me terrified as Golden Bonnie plunges his knife deep in my chest. At that moment the world falls dark as the last thing I hear is Jeremy cry out "FRITZ!!!"

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