don't move

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     The people come in, flashlights shining through the whole place. One of the officers heads to the back room. I see Bonnie start to shake. {Breath bonnie. We're ok. Just breath. } he glances to me startled, luckily the officers don't notice. The officer from the back calls out "did someone come in and move the animatronics?" Another yells back "no one came in. I don't know how they got on stages."

      They come to us, not questioning how we got to the stages. They shine the lights over our eyes and over us. "Whatever happened to those kids, we'll never find them." One officer says. The rest sigh, nod and leave. I let out a loud breathe of air, heading straight to bonnie. Everyone gathers on the main stage, all a little scared. Golden says "Bonnie I said don't move" "He was scared ok Golden. Leave him alone." I hug Bonnie close, knowing he's still very scared. "They are looking for us. They didn't think to look in the suits?" Freddy says, a little annoyed with the law enforcement in this town. "Are they stupid? The suits were the only things in the back room. That's the only place we could be!" Chica exclaims. "Calm down su-chica. We'll find a way out."

      A few months later they reopen the restaurant. Everything seems to be going fine until one day. I act like I'm supposed to, smiling and waving and playing for the crowd. A random kid comes over to watch my show, sitting close to the stage. About half way through, the kid climbs on to the stage, climbing up my leg. I begin to panic, not knowing what to do. I glance over at Bonnie. He looks over to me, eyes widening as the kid gets higher. Bonnie says, clear as day as the kid reaches my face, {DONT. MOVE.}

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