Take a break

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     Back before all this happened, Jeremy and I were really close. Jeremy is the one in Bonnie. He was my best friend and really the only person I wanted to spend time with. Granted I was only 7 but I knew us being friends would always last.

     He was a smaller boy. Dark black hair with deep brown eyes that could remind you of just about anything. For me, they reminded me of hot chocolate. The sad thing was that his mom had passed away in a really bad accident. After that, thing at home got really bad for him.

    After sara, Jeremy's mom, passed away, his dad took a turn for the worst. He turned into a abusive, lazy, manipulative, drunk. At times, Jeremy would come to my house with hand marks and bruises on his arms and neck. I would try to tell my mom but Jeremy just says he fell.

     I think he looked forward to seeing me. At least it got him away from his dad for a few days. When we fell asleep when he stayed the night, I would hold him in a sleep hug, which I now know is cuddling. I like to think it helped him sleep.

     That day at the party, he showed up later. I didn't see him arrive with his dad so I was confused how he got there. But he was all smiles and he held my hand so I didn't give it a second thought. We were able to enjoy ourselves until afton got us.

     After we got trapped in the suits, it took a lot of time for him to adjust. I was there to help him of course and hold his hand when he wanted me too. He would look at me and his eyes would feel strange. I learned to love them of course.

    In all reality, I feel my feeling for him were obvious to everyone but us. That's why now, with his head on my shoulders and him holding my hand, I know. That if we were human and still alive, I'd ask hom on a date.

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