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     "Who the fuck are you?" I hear a mean growly voice say. I turn to look towards the sound and come face to face with a green gator with purple star sunglasses. "Im foxy, this is Bonnie. And you are?" A grey wolf moves to stand by him. "Ignore him. That Monty. He has a attitude problem." He glares at her, bon giggles leading me to laugh as it's probably true. "I'm roxy. Roxanne wolf."

    "So I got replaced with a wolf, how fun." I groan. "And I'm now a gator? That's what kids like these days?" Says Bonnie, almost sounding disappointed.  Monty glares at him and glares till roxy elbows him. He growls at her before storming away with his guitar, Roxy follows with her keyboard. I sigh and plop my head on bons shoulder. "We should get to the others" He nods and we stand and try to find the other.

     We eventually find everyone else in the kitchen where chica and Glamrock chica are trying to make a pizza. I can hear Golden and Freddy laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask as bon and I walk into the room. "They keep trying to make a pizza but glamrock chica keep eating it before it even gets cooked." Golden says with a big laugh. Bon watchs, giggling quietly. "Well…. Now that you've seen the rest of the complex, I shall show you too your rooms." Gfreddy says

    "We have rooms? I didn't think you we're expecting us?" Now suspicious of them.  "Of course not we have extra spare rooms incase we get new band members. There's just enough for all of you." Gfreddy answers. "Why do you even have rooms? Your robots." Bon nudges me and gives me a glare. "Wed love to see the rooms, thank you glamrock Freddy." Bon says and smiles. He nods and shows us the way. The rooms are quite nice, themed after us already, which makes me more suspicious of them.

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