New creation

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I gasp awake sitting up fast, my vision blurry. I look around in a panic. Where am I? I ask myself. After I got crushed I thought I'd be dead, but I'm not… how? I SHOULD be dead. I find myself breathing. Something I haven't done in such a long time. It feels so weird, foreign almost. My vision slowly gets clearer. I look around and see I'm in my old childhood room, in my old bed, all my old stuff still there. What's going on? I'm so confused. I try to stand, stumbling to my door, slowly opening it. The house is dead quiet. 

I wonder downstairs to see nothing has changed. Everything is the same, like it's frozen in time. The living room with the same boring brown couch and chairs. The old tv set where jeremy and i would sit and watch movies and tv, where wed fall asleep next to each other at our sleepovers. I go the kitchen and felt the forgotten familiarity of my hungry stomach. I go to the fridge seeing that it's fully stocked. My eyes widen at it. I could eat just about everything in sight, but i settle for an apple. I bite into it and almost melt. I'm filled with all the memories, the dinners here with mom, the breakfast and lunches at playdates here with my friends. 

Tears prick in my eyes as i hear keys and the front door unlock. I rush and scurry to the basement door, accidentally leaving the fridge door open. I close the basement door just as the front door opens. I run down the stairs as quietly as I could, hiding down behind some shelves full of stuff.  A few minutes later, I hear running from the kitchen back to the living room. Then a woman talks very frantically. Within thirty more minutes, there are ten more sets of footsteps and blaring red and white lights shining in through the windows down here. 

I hear the basement door open and I try to hide further but I'm as far back as I can go. Two men dressed in navy blue search with flashlights. The light flashes over me as I cover my head. I know I've been caught, “over here!” screams one of them as they come over to where I'm hidden. “Show yourself!” I lift my head, my face and clothes dirty beyond belief. One picks me up and carries me upstairs to the living room. I turn my head, facing the same direction as the guy in blue. That's when I see her. Mom. She turns to face me and goes pale, tears springing from her eyes as she utters a single word. 


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