Bite of 87'

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     I try my hardest to do as Bonnie asked. But as the kid got in front of my jaw, something buried deep in my programming caused me to glitch out. In that instant, everything goes black. I hear hundreds of screams and people start to scurry around, hearing rushing footsteps. I feel a warm liquid fill my mouth and flow down through my circuits. Bonnie speaks to me in my head. {What did you do?!} He asks, sounding absolutely terrified. {What are you talking about?} I say, confused not only by what he said, but also with the fact I can't see a thing. Somewhere out in the crowd I can hear someone calling 911, asking for an ambulance. {Bonnie…… What happened to that kid?}

      The next thing I hear are the sirens of police cars and the ambulance. "Ma'am, can you tell us what happened?" What I assume to be an officer asking the lady that called them questions. Suddenly I feel multiple pairs of hands trying to wrench my jaw open. With all this, I'm only growing more and more confused. "This damn fox's jaw won't budge." A man says. "Well if we don't get the kid out soon, he'll definitely be dead!" Another says. {What did he just say? Bonnie! What. Happened. To the kid?} I see what's going on as he shows me through his eyes. Panic hits me automatically, forcing my jaw open.

      As it does, all four men and the kid fall to the ground. The woman screams and cries out, "Gods no…. My baby!!" I hear heels clacking against the floor as she goes to his side. Eventually, they get the kid loaded into the ambulance and everyone leaves. Everything is still black for me. I'm frozen in place. "Foxy….. they are gone. You can m-move off stage now." Bonnie says, sounding as though he might not want me too. {Would if I could bon. I think I powered off.} I think it was him that came over and powered back on, but they were out of sight before I could see who it was. I look over to them, my fur matted in clumps with blood as it drips from my mouth onto the floor. "The bite of 87'...... that's what they're gonna call this. We're fucked."

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