the new normal?

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      "I dont….. I dont believe this." I say as I stand with my friends on the main stage, having to see them in a whole new light. "We are supposed to be dead. He killed us." Jeremy says, still in overwhelming shock. "And now, our souls are attached tho these suits?" Gabe says, messing with his top hat and microphone. "We're stuck….." Susie says. She slumps down against a wall that's lined with children's drawings. Jeremy hangs his head, the ears of the rabbit suit flop down. My heart saddens seeing him upset.

         "This….. this is our chance to make the best out of a bad situation." Jeremy glances to me, signaling I'm saying something right. " With us being stuck in these suits, we can now protect all the kids. This is our new responsibility." Gabe goes to comfort Susie, proving that they didn't care to listen to a thing I said. " This is the new normal. We need to accept that." Michael says, coming out of the shadows. "Call each other by the animatronic names. Adapt their Identities. We can't let anyone figure out what happened to us." He continues.

         I sigh and hug Jeremy, I mean bonnie, as he starts to cry. I decided in my mind that besides protecting the kids, being here for bon is my only job. "Foxy…. Go to the cove. There are people coming to look through the building. I saw it booked on some papers in the office. You three get into position." Golden states, holding out a red guitar to bonnie. I smile at bon as he takes the guitar from Golden then looks back to me with sad eye. "I'll be right over there. I can see you from my stage. And it's only until they leave." *he nods and I go to the cove, freezing as I step into position. "The new Fucking normal."

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