in the suits

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     A light shines im my eyes, though I can't open them or move. Even tho I can't see anything, I know who's doing it. The Police. I can hear the static from their radio. "The bodies were here, their blood is everywhere. But the only thing besides that are the animatronic suits." A lady cop says into her radio. Someone answers back "i dont think whoever did this would stuff the bodies in the suits. That would be dumb. Shut the place down then we can go." I guess she does because soon after, everything goes quite.

       A few days after the pizzeria got shut down, I'm finally able to open my eyes. I look around the dark room, unable to see pretty much anything. I call out for my friends but no words exit my mouth. I begin to panic, trying to find the door to leave. I hear gears turn and servos fire up. Something else is here. "H-hello?" I finally manage to say. "Whos theres?" I get no answer. I keep feeling on the wall, finding the door handle. I pull the door open and light floods the room.

      Lined on the wall I see Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, and a yellow Freddy. Bonnie looks directly at me and says in Jeremy's voice "foxy?" I answer back, shaking. "Jeremy.....". His eyes grow wide hearing my voice come from the fox animatronic. I look to my hands and finally notice.

       We ARE the animatronics now.

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