Tattoonie PT 1

220 8 2

Naboo orbit

Revana sat in the meeting room with Obi-Wan and Qui-gon, something felt off about this whole situation as a whole. The force screamed out in warning as she snatched her helmet up off the table and placed it on her head as the droid came in with refreshments. This was a well-laid little trap, one that she would get through. As soon as the doors closed she felt those aboard their shuttle cry out before they marched away. Revana narrowed her eyes, drawing her Westar pistols and twirling them on her fingers as she pointed at the door.

Obi-Wan and Qui-gon were both holding their breaths as the gas filled the room. The Trade Federation could kiss any and all trade with Mandalore goodbye after this foolish stunt. As soon as the doors opened using her scanners to see through the smoke she saw a handful of B-1 battle droids aiming their blasters into the room. Revana sent two well-placed bolts through the droids as Obi-wan and Qui-gon dropped in from their spot on the ceiling. The trio ran out of the room and down the hall the moment the Droidakas showed up with their impenetrable shields. Revana followed the two Jedi to the hanger bay.

Revana was no simpleton nor was she a fool the ships before her were an invasion force. Using the recording feature on her helmet she had recorded everything, from the attempted gassing to the invasion force the Trade Federation was planning to unleash on Naboo "I told Valurm they would pull something like this," she said, "Sadly if the Trade Federation goes to the Republic Senate saying they are doing no such thing, then I have evidence saying otherwise."

"Wonderful thinking Lady Ordo," Qui-Gon said looking at Obi-Wan

"Well, we can all agree that you were right Master, the negotiations were short," Obi-Wan said with a smirk.

Revana rolled her eyes and shook her head "Now if we can get on one of that craft we can get past the blockade without them realizing we left,"


Qui-gon was shocked to see how much of a present Revana had to her surroundings, though she didn't have a Jetpack as of yet and Qui-Gon actually feared the day she actually got one, she used the force to focus on her surroundings, like now. After visiting the Gungans they had acquired an underwater ship and were making their way back to dry land. Revana was an excellent pilot he would admit. Keeping them out of trouble as they made it all the way to the Naboo capital of Theed. Once they were out of the ship they stuck to back alleyways until they spotted the Queen in the main hanger of the Palace surrounded by droids.

Revana in a flash of gleaming chrome went in and began taking the heads off of each battle droid or putting her fist right through them "Your highness," Revana greeted by the time they joined her

"Lady Ordo, perhaps it would be wise not to rush off like that again, I would hate to be on the receiving end of your mother's wrath," he said

"Apologies, master Jin," Revana said with a polite bow.

Qui-Gon sighed and rested a hand upon her shoulder "Come, we have to get the Queen out of here and to Naboo."


Obi-Wan vented a sigh as Revana removed her helmet "We are going to Tattooine, the hyperdrive is busted, and we can't make a call going out for help," Revana said

"You know of someone who may be on Tattooine?" Obi-Wan asked

"Yes," Revana said, "But I don't think Jin would like it too well if he discovered who it was,"

Obi-Wan tilted his head at her in curiosity as one of the Queen's handmaidens joined them "Who do you think will be there?" he asked

"The last Mand'alor, my godfather Jango Fett," Revana said

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