Tattoonie PT 2

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Revana removed her helmet and looked at Jango who really didn't intimidate her as much as he believed that he did "I was sent on a mission with Jin and Kenobi to Naboo, in hopes to end the blockade that they had around the planet, sadly the Negotiations never took place, I have been nearly gassed to death, ran over, shot at, and nearly blasted out of the sky. Our ship's hyperdrive was hit during our escape and this dust ball of a planet was the closest to land on with our busted hyperdrive," Revana explained.

Jango's hands moved to his helmet and pulled it off of his head to look at her in shock "I need a direct line to Mandalore, so I can get a copy of the footage to the Dutchess; I know you atoon't to keen on even acknowledging her existence but Naboo needs help and my mother has the connections with those who have been exiled to help Naboo." she finished.

Bossk let out an angry hiss "What wass the Republic thinking letting you go on a dangerouss mission such asss thisss?" Bossk hissed

"It is part of my final exams, after graduation, I am returning to Mandalore to work under the Dutchess," Revana replied.

Jango sighed "And with Jetti involved it is going to be a problem,"

"Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi are known to Mandalore, my buir was half tempted to adopt him when I was 2," Revana said with a snort, "I was so looking forward to an older brother,"

Revana didn't miss that look of longing in Jango's eyes when she mentioned Obi-Wan's name, did Jango know Obi?

Jango went over to the communications area of the ship and dialed up her buir's direct comlink frequency "Jango, whatever it is can it wait?" her buir asked

"I'm afraid it can't Stella, I am looking at Revana right now, she is here on Tattoonie apparently the Negotiations on Naboo went sideways and she has key evidence that needs to be sent to the Jedi Temple on Courasant as well as the Chancellor," Jango said

"I swear if this is one of your pranks Jango Fett..."

"It's not buir, he's telling the truth," Revana said stepping into view.



Stella looked at the holo image of her daughter and placed the holo imager into the slot to protect her daughter's image to the council. Satine sat on her throne an air of worry for Revana "Explain everything," she told her daughter.

Revana nodded "We arrived aboard the Trade Federation flagship to conduct the negotiations sadly those negotiations never took place, they had filled the meeting room up with gas in hopes to kill us, but we escaped and made our way to the bridge, it was at this time they deployed Droidakas." Revana said as the feed from the footage played, "We made our escape through the ventilation shaft to the main hanger to discover a droid invasion force, when we arrived we found an ally... A Gungan named Jar Jar Binks took us to his underwater city, from there we made our way to Theed where we soon discovered that Queen Amadala and her court were being taken to one of the camps."

Satine steepled her fingers as the council looked on the verge of abolishing the anti-armor law on Mandalore and gathering an army to rescue their wayward Princess "During our escape our shuttle suffered damage to its Hyperdrive, I had a feeling Jango would be here so as soon as we landed I sought him out to send word to not only Mandalore but to have this footage sent to the Jedi Order as well as Chancellor Valurm, I doubt the Chancellor would have seen this coming and I doubt that it was intended to put me in any danger," Revana concluded

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